Class yii\helpers\BaseUrl

Available since version2.0
Source Code

BaseUrl provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\Url.

Do not use BaseUrl. Use yii\helpers\Url instead.

Public Properties

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PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined By
$urlManager yii\web\UrlManager URL manager to use for creating URLs yii\helpers\BaseUrl

Public Methods

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MethodDescriptionDefined By
base() Returns the base URL of the current request. yii\helpers\BaseUrl
canonical() Returns the canonical URL of the currently requested page. yii\helpers\BaseUrl
current() Creates a URL by using the current route and the GET parameters. yii\helpers\BaseUrl
ensureScheme() Normalize the URL by ensuring it uses specified scheme. yii\helpers\BaseUrl
home() Returns the home URL. yii\helpers\BaseUrl
isRelative() Returns a value indicating whether a URL is relative. yii\helpers\BaseUrl
previous() Returns the URL previously remembered. yii\helpers\BaseUrl
remember() Remembers the specified URL so that it can be later fetched back by previous(). yii\helpers\BaseUrl
to() Creates a URL based on the given parameters. yii\helpers\BaseUrl
toRoute() Creates a URL for the given route. yii\helpers\BaseUrl

Protected Methods

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MethodDescriptionDefined By
getUrlManager() yii\helpers\BaseUrl
normalizeRoute() Normalizes route and makes it suitable for UrlManager. Absolute routes are staying as is while relative routes are converted to absolute ones. yii\helpers\BaseUrl

Property Details

$urlManager public static property (available since version 2.0.8)

URL manager to use for creating URLs

public static yii\web\UrlManager $urlManager null

Method Details

base() public static method

Returns the base URL of the current request.

public static string base ( $scheme false )
$scheme boolean|string

The URI scheme to use in the returned base URL:

  • false (default): returning the base URL without host info.
  • true: returning an absolute base URL whose scheme is the same as that in yii\web\UrlManager::$hostInfo.
  • string: returning an absolute base URL with the specified scheme (either http, https or empty string for protocol-relative URL).
canonical() public static method

Returns the canonical URL of the currently requested page.

The canonical URL is constructed using the current controller's yii\web\Controller::$route and yii\web\Controller::$actionParams. You may use the following code in the layout view to add a link tag about canonical URL:

$this->registerLinkTag(['rel' => 'canonical', 'href' => Url::canonical()]);
public static string canonical ( )
return string

The canonical URL of the currently requested page

current() public static method (available since version 2.0.3)

Creates a URL by using the current route and the GET parameters.

You may modify or remove some of the GET parameters, or add additional query parameters through the $params parameter. In particular, if you specify a parameter to be null, then this parameter will be removed from the existing GET parameters; all other parameters specified in $params will be merged with the existing GET parameters. For example,

// assume $_GET = ['id' => 123, 'src' => 'google'], current route is "post/view"

// /index.php?r=post%2Fview&id=123&src=google
echo Url::current();

// /index.php?r=post%2Fview&id=123
echo Url::current(['src' => null]);

// /index.php?r=post%2Fview&id=100&src=google
echo Url::current(['id' => 100]);

Note that if you're replacing array parameters with [] at the end you should specify $params as nested arrays. For a PostSearchForm model where parameter names are PostSearchForm[id] and PostSearchForm[src] the syntax would be the following:

// index.php?r=post%2Findex&PostSearchForm%5Bid%5D=100&PostSearchForm%5Bsrc%5D=google
echo Url::current([
    $postSearch->formName() => ['id' => 100, 'src' => 'google'],
public static string current ( array $params = [], $scheme false )
$params array

An associative array of parameters that will be merged with the current GET parameters. If a parameter value is null, the corresponding GET parameter will be removed.

$scheme boolean|string

The URI scheme to use in the generated URL:

  • false (default): generating a relative URL.
  • true: returning an absolute base URL whose scheme is the same as that in yii\web\UrlManager::$hostInfo.
  • string: generating an absolute URL with the specified scheme (either http, https or empty string for protocol-relative URL).
return string

The generated URL

ensureScheme() public static method (available since version 2.0.11)

Normalize the URL by ensuring it uses specified scheme.

If the URL is relative or the scheme is not a string, normalization is skipped.

public static string ensureScheme ( $url, $scheme )
$url string

The URL to process

$scheme string

The URI scheme used in the URL (e.g. http or https). Use an empty string to create protocol-relative URL (e.g. //

return string

The processed URL

getUrlManager() protected static method (available since version 2.0.8)

protected static yii\web\UrlManager getUrlManager ( )
return yii\web\UrlManager

URL manager used to create URLs

home() public static method

Returns the home URL.

public static string home ( $scheme false )
$scheme boolean|string

The URI scheme to use for the returned URL:

  • false (default): returning a relative URL.
  • true: returning an absolute base URL whose scheme is the same as that in yii\web\UrlManager::$hostInfo.
  • string: returning an absolute URL with the specified scheme (either http, https or empty string for protocol-relative URL).
return string

Home URL

isRelative() public static method

Returns a value indicating whether a URL is relative.

A relative URL does not have host info part.

public static boolean isRelative ( $url )
$url string

The URL to be checked

return boolean

Whether the URL is relative

normalizeRoute() protected static method

Normalizes route and makes it suitable for UrlManager. Absolute routes are staying as is while relative routes are converted to absolute ones.

A relative route is a route without a leading slash, such as "view", "post/view".

  • If the route is an empty string, the current route will be used;
  • If the route contains no slashes at all, it is considered to be an action ID of the current controller and will be prepended with yii\web\Controller::$uniqueId;
  • If the route has no leading slash, it is considered to be a route relative to the current module and will be prepended with the module's uniqueId.

Starting from version 2.0.2, a route can also be specified as an alias. In this case, the alias will be converted into the actual route first before conducting the above transformation steps.

protected static string normalizeRoute ( $route )
$route string

The route. This can be either an absolute route or a relative route.

return string

Normalized route suitable for UrlManager

throws yii\base\InvalidArgumentException

a relative route is given while there is no active controller

previous() public static method

Returns the URL previously remembered.

See also:

public static string|null previous ( $name null )
$name string|null

The named associated with the URL that was remembered previously. If not set, yii\web\User::getReturnUrl() will be used to obtain remembered URL.

return string|null

The URL previously remembered. Null is returned if no URL was remembered with the given name and $name is not specified.

remember() public static method

Remembers the specified URL so that it can be later fetched back by previous().

See also:

public static void remember ( $url '', $name null )
$url string|array

The URL to remember. Please refer to to() for acceptable formats. If this parameter is not specified, the currently requested URL will be used.

$name string|null

The name associated with the URL to be remembered. This can be used later by previous(). If not set, yii\web\User::setReturnUrl() will be used with passed URL.

to() public static method

Creates a URL based on the given parameters.

This method is very similar to toRoute(). The only difference is that this method requires a route to be specified as an array only. If a string is given, it will be treated as a URL. In particular, if $url is

  • an array: toRoute() will be called to generate the URL. For example: ['site/index'], ['post/index', 'page' => 2]. Please refer to toRoute() for more details on how to specify a route.
  • a string with a leading @: it is treated as an alias, and the corresponding aliased string will be returned.
  • an empty string: the currently requested URL will be returned;
  • a normal string: it will be returned as is.

When $scheme is specified (either a string or true), an absolute URL with host info (obtained from yii\web\UrlManager::$hostInfo) will be returned. If $url is already an absolute URL, its scheme will be replaced with the specified one.

Below are some examples of using this method:

// /index.php?r=site%2Findex
echo Url::to(['site/index']);

// /index.php?r=site%2Findex&src=ref1#name
echo Url::to(['site/index', 'src' => 'ref1', '#' => 'name']);

// /index.php?r=post%2Findex     assume the alias "@posts" is defined as "/post/index"
echo Url::to(['@posts']);

// the currently requested URL
echo Url::to();

// /images/logo.gif
echo Url::to('@web/images/logo.gif');

// images/logo.gif
echo Url::to('images/logo.gif');

echo Url::to('@web/images/logo.gif', true);

echo Url::to('@web/images/logo.gif', 'https');

// //
echo Url::to('@web/images/logo.gif', '');
public static string to ( $url '', $scheme false )
$url array|string

The parameter to be used to generate a valid URL

$scheme boolean|string

The URI scheme to use in the generated URL:

  • false (default): generating a relative URL.
  • true: returning an absolute base URL whose scheme is the same as that in yii\web\UrlManager::$hostInfo.
  • string: generating an absolute URL with the specified scheme (either http, https or empty string for protocol-relative URL).
return string

The generated URL

throws yii\base\InvalidArgumentException

a relative route is given while there is no active controller

toRoute() public static method

Creates a URL for the given route.

This method will use yii\web\UrlManager to create a URL.

You may specify the route as a string, e.g., site/index. You may also use an array if you want to specify additional query parameters for the URL being created. The array format must be:

// generates: /index.php?r=site/index&param1=value1&param2=value2
['site/index', 'param1' => 'value1', 'param2' => 'value2']

If you want to create a URL with an anchor, you can use the array format with a # parameter. For example,

// generates: /index.php?r=site/index&param1=value1#name
['site/index', 'param1' => 'value1', '#' => 'name']

A route may be either absolute or relative. An absolute route has a leading slash (e.g. /site/index), while a relative route has none (e.g. site/index or index). A relative route will be converted into an absolute one by the following rules:

  • If the route is an empty string, the current route will be used;
  • If the route contains no slashes at all (e.g. index), it is considered to be an action ID of the current controller and will be prepended with yii\web\Controller::$uniqueId;
  • If the route has no leading slash (e.g. site/index), it is considered to be a route relative to the current module and will be prepended with the module's uniqueId.

Starting from version 2.0.2, a route can also be specified as an alias. In this case, the alias will be converted into the actual route first before conducting the above transformation steps.

Below are some examples of using this method:

// /index.php?r=site%2Findex
echo Url::toRoute('site/index');

// /index.php?r=site%2Findex&src=ref1#name
echo Url::toRoute(['site/index', 'src' => 'ref1', '#' => 'name']);

echo Url::toRoute('site/index', true);

echo Url::toRoute('site/index', 'https');

// /index.php?r=post%2Findex     assume the alias "@posts" is defined as "post/index"
echo Url::toRoute('@posts');
public static string toRoute ( $route, $scheme false )
$route string|array

Use a string to represent a route (e.g. index, site/index), or an array to represent a route with query parameters (e.g. ['site/index', 'param1' => 'value1']).

$scheme boolean|string

The URI scheme to use in the generated URL:

  • false (default): generating a relative URL.
  • true: returning an absolute base URL whose scheme is the same as that in yii\web\UrlManager::$hostInfo.
  • string: generating an absolute URL with the specified scheme (either http, https or empty string for protocol-relative URL).
return string

The generated URL

throws yii\base\InvalidArgumentException

a relative route is given while there is no active controller