Class yii\console\ExitCode

Available since version2.0.13
Source Code

This class provides constants for defining console command exit codes.

The exit codes follow the codes defined in the FreeBSD sysexits(3) manual page.

These constants can be used in console controllers for example like this:

public function actionIndex()
    if (!$this->isAllowedToPerformAction()) {
         $this->stderr('Error: ' . ExitCode::getReason(ExitCode::NOPERM));
         return ExitCode::NOPERM;

    // do something

    return ExitCode::OK;

See also

Public Properties

Hide inherited properties

PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined By
$reasons array A map of reason descriptions for exit codes. yii\console\ExitCode

Public Methods

Hide inherited methods

MethodDescriptionDefined By
getReason() Returns a short reason text for the given exit code. yii\console\ExitCode


Hide inherited constants

ConstantValueDescriptionDefined By
CANTCREAT 73 A (user specified) output file cannot be created. yii\console\ExitCode
CONFIG 78 Something was found in an unconfigured or misconfigured state. yii\console\ExitCode
DATAERR 65 The input data was incorrect in some way. This should only be used for user's data and not system files. yii\console\ExitCode
IOERR 74 An error occurred while doing I/O on some file. yii\console\ExitCode
NOHOST 68 The host specified did not exist. This is used in mail addresses or network requests. yii\console\ExitCode
NOINPUT 66 An input file (not a system file) did not exist or was not readable. This could also include errors like ``No message'' to a mailer (if it cared to catch it). yii\console\ExitCode
NOPERM 77 You did not have sufficient permission to perform the operation. This is not intended for file system problems, which should use NOINPUT or CANTCREAT, but rather for higher level permissions. yii\console\ExitCode
NOUSER 67 The user specified did not exist. This might be used for mail addresses or remote logins. yii\console\ExitCode
OK 0 The command completed successfully. yii\console\ExitCode
OSERR 71 An operating system error has been detected. This is intended to be used for such things as `cannot fork'', `cannot create pipe'', or the like. It includes things like getuid returning a user that does not exist in the passwd file. yii\console\ExitCode
OSFILE 72 Some system file (e.g., /etc/passwd, /var/run/, etc.) does not exist, cannot be opened, or has some sort of error (e.g., syntax error). yii\console\ExitCode
PROTOCOL 76 The remote system returned something that was ``not possible'' during a protocol exchange. yii\console\ExitCode
SOFTWARE 70 An internal software error has been detected. This should be limited to non-operating system related errors as possible. yii\console\ExitCode
TEMPFAIL 75 Temporary failure, indicating something that is not really an error. In sendmail, this means that a mailer (e.g.) could not create a connection, and the request should be reattempted later. yii\console\ExitCode
UNAVAILABLE 69 A service is unavailable. This can occur if a support program or file does not exist. This can also be used as a catchall message when something you wanted to do does not work, but you do not know why. yii\console\ExitCode
UNSPECIFIED_ERROR 1 The command exited with an error code that says nothing about the error. yii\console\ExitCode
USAGE 64 The command was used incorrectly, e.g., with the wrong number of arguments, a bad flag, a bad syntax in a parameter, or whatever. yii\console\ExitCode

Property Details

$reasons public static property

A map of reason descriptions for exit codes.

public static array $reasons = [
    self::OK => 'Success',
self::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR => 'Unspecified error',
self::USAGE => 'Incorrect usage, argument or option error',
self::DATAERR => 'Error in input data',
self::NOINPUT => 'Input file not found or unreadable',
self::NOUSER => 'User not found',
self::NOHOST => 'Host not found',
self::UNAVAILABLE => 'A required service is unavailable',
self::SOFTWARE => 'Internal error',
self::OSERR => 'Error making system call or using OS service',
self::OSFILE => 'Error accessing system file',
self::CANTCREAT => 'Cannot create output file',
self::IOERR => 'I/O error',
self::TEMPFAIL => 'Temporary failure',
self::PROTOCOL => 'Unexpected remote service behavior',
self::NOPERM => 'Insufficient permissions',
self::CONFIG => 'Configuration error'

Method Details

getReason() public static method

Returns a short reason text for the given exit code.

This method uses $reasons to determine the reason for an exit code.

public static string getReason ( $exitCode )
$exitCode integer

One of the constants defined in this class.

return string

The reason text, or "Unknown exit code" if the code is not listed in $reasons.