Krajee Yii2 Extensions ¶
The Krajee library is a set of various useful extensions and enhancements built for the Yii2 framework. Most of the extensions also include additional client functionality enabled via exclusive jQuery Plugins created by Krajee. Refer these additional resource links below for details on usage and demos of these extensions.
- Krajee Yii2 Demos: All Krajee Yii2 extensions, widgets, modules with documentation and demos.
- Krajee jQuery Plugins: All Krajee jQuery plugins with documentation and demos.
- Krajee Web Tips: Web tips & tricks including FAQ by Krajee on programming with jQuery, PHP and Yii2.
Installation ¶
The preferred way to install all Krajee Yii2 extensions is through composer.
For example, to install the core Krajee component library yii2-krajee-base
either run:
$ php composer.phar require kartik-v/yii2-krajee-base "@dev"
or add
"kartik-v/yii2-krajee-base": "@dev"
to the `
section of your composer.json
Note: Read this web tip /wiki on setting the
settings for your application's composer.json.
License ¶
All of Krajee extensions are released under the BSD-3-Clause License. Refer the bundled
with each extension's repo for more details.
Class Reference
Class | Description |
Yii | Yii is a helper class serving common framework functionalities. |
YiiRequirementChecker | YiiRequirementChecker allows checking, if current system meets the requirements for running the Yii application. |
kartik\affix\Affix | A scrollspy and affixed enhanced navigation to highlight sections and secondary sections in each page (built specifically for Bootstrap 3.x). |
kartik\affix\AffixAsset | AffixAsset is the asset bundle used by the kartik\affix\Affix widget. |
kartik\alert\Alert | Alert widget is an enhanced version of the Yii2 Bootstrap Alert widget with an easier configuration. It includes additional styling options and auto fade out behavior. |
kartik\alert\AlertAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\alert\Alert widget. |
kartik\alert\AlertBlock | AlertBlock widget groups multiple kartik\alert\Alert or kartik\growl\Growl widgets as one single block. You can choose to automatically read and display session flash messages (which is the default setting) or setup your own block of custom alerts. |
kartik\alert\AlertInterface | AlertInterface is the interface implemented within kartik\alert\Bs5Alert, kartik\alert\Bs4Alert and kartik\alert\Bs3Alert widgets. |
kartik\alert\AlertMethodsTrait | AlertMethodsTrait provides common methods for usage by kartik\alert\Bs5Alert, kartik\alert\Bs4Alert and kartik\alert\Bs3Alert widgets. |
kartik\alert\AlertTrait | AlertTrait contains properties for usage by kartik\alert\Bs5Alert, kartik\alert\Bs4Alert and kartik\alert\Bs3Alert widgets. |
kartik\alert\Bs3Alert | Bs3Alert widget extends the yii\bootstrap\Alert widget for Bootstrap version 3.x. It enables an easier configuration and additional styling behavior like auto fade out. |
kartik\alert\Bs4Alert | Bs4Alert widget extends the yii\bootstrap4\Alert widget for Bootstrap version 4.x. It enables an easier configuration and additional styling behavior like auto fade out. |
kartik\alert\Bs5Alert | Bs5Alert widget extends the yii\bootstrap5\Alert widget for Bootstrap version 5.x. It enables an easier configuration and additional styling behavior like auto fade out. |
kartik\base\AddonTrait | AddonTrait includes methods to render bootstrap styled addons based on the addon property in classes that
use this trait. |
kartik\base\AnimateAsset | Asset bundle for loading animations. |
kartik\base\AssetBundle | Asset bundle used for all Krajee extensions with bootstrap and jquery dependency. |
kartik\base\BaseAssetBundle | Base asset bundle used for all Krajee extensions. |
kartik\base\BootstrapIconsAsset | Asset bundle for bootstrap 5 icons |
kartik\base\BootstrapInterface | BootstrapInterface includes all Bootstrap library specific constants implemented by all Krajee extension classes. These constants are used in configuration of Bootstrap version specific configurations as set via kartik\base\BootstrapTrait::$bsCssMap. |
kartik\base\BootstrapTrait | BootstrapTrait includes bootstrap library init and parsing methods. The class which uses this trait, must also necessarily implement the kartik\base\BootstrapInterface. |
kartik\base\Config | Global configuration helper class for Krajee extensions. |
kartik\base\Html5Input | Html5Input widget is a widget encapsulating the HTML 5 inputs. |
kartik\base\Html5InputAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\base\Html5Input widget. |
kartik\base\InputWidget | InputWidget is the base class for widgets extending the yii\widgets\InputWidget that collect user inputs in all Krajee input extensions. |
kartik\base\Lib | Lib is a base class for modified standard PHP internal functions. It is specifically built to address warnings in PHP v8.1 and above due to null arguments passed to PHP internal functions which results in deprecation errors in PHP v8.1 and beyond. |
kartik\base\Module | This is the base module class for all modules implemented in Krajee extensions. It includes specific enhancements for configuring translations for the Krajee modules. It also allows initializing Bootstrap library specific parameters based on the Bootstrap library version (3.x, 4.x, or 5.x) used by your application. |
kartik\base\PluginAssetBundle | This is the base asset bundle class for Krajee extensions which enables Krajee's special jQuery plugin handling functionality. It also includes special configurations to automatically enable Bootstrap library Plugins based on your bootstrap library version. |
kartik\base\TranslationTrait | TranslationTrait manages methods for all translations used in Krajee extensions |
kartik\base\Widget | Widget is the base class for widgets extending yii\base\Widget used in Krajee extensions. |
kartik\base\WidgetAsset | Common base widget asset bundle for all Krajee widgets |
kartik\base\WidgetTrait | WidgetTrait manages all methods used by Krajee widgets and input widgets. |
kartik\bs4dropdown\ButtonDropdown | ButtonDropdown renders a bootstrap 4.x button dropdown component. It extends the yii\bootstrap4\ButtonDropdown to render a button dropdown component individually, or with a button group, or split button dropdown. The Krajee enhancement adds multi level submenu dropdown capability to the bootstrap default component. |
kartik\bs4dropdown\Dropdown | Dropdown renders a Bootstrap 4.x dropdown menu component. This widget extends the default bootstrap yii\bootstrap4\Dropdown widget to include nested submenu behavior and styling. |
kartik\bs4dropdown\DropdownAsset | DropdownAsset is the asset bundle used in rendering the kartik\bs4dropdown\Dropdown widget. |
kartik\bs5dropdown\ButtonDropdown | ButtonDropdown renders a bootstrap 5.x button dropdown component. It extends the yii\bootstrap5\ButtonDropdown to render a button dropdown component individually, or with a button group, or split button dropdown. The Krajee enhancement adds multi level submenu dropdown capability to the bootstrap default component. |
kartik\bs5dropdown\Dropdown | Dropdown renders a Bootstrap 4.x dropdown menu component. This widget extends the default bootstrap yii\bootstrap5\Dropdown widget to include nested submenu behavior and styling. |
kartik\bs5dropdown\DropdownAsset | DropdownAsset is the asset bundle used in rendering the kartik\bs5dropdown\Dropdown widget. |
kartik\builder\ActiveFormEvent | ActiveFormEvent is the event class for kartik\form\ActiveForm. It encapsulates parameters that can be used as part of event handling to manipulate the behavior of builder widgets kartik\builder\Form and kartik\builder\TabularForm. |
kartik\builder\BaseForm | BaseForm is the base class for the kartik\builder\Form and kartik\builder\TabularForm builder widgets in this extension. |
kartik\builder\Form | Form is a builder widget for rendering the form attributes using kartik\form\ActiveForm. The widget uses Bootstrap 5.x, 4.x, or 3.x styling (depending on $bsVersion) for generating form styles and multiple field columns. |
kartik\builder\FormAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\builder\Form widget. |
kartik\builder\FormGrid | FormGrid allows you to build and generate multi columnar bootstrap form layouts using a single simple array configuration. It utilizes multiple instances of the kartik\builder\Form widget to generate the layout. |
kartik\builder\FormTrait | FormTrait contains common methods for use in kartik\builder\BaseForm builder widget in yii2-builder . These methods are also used by
the kartik\builder\Form and kartik\builder\TabularForm widgets. |
kartik\builder\TabularForm | TabularForm builder widget allows easy way to configure tabular form layouts with ability to implement various input types and input widgets. It works with and is complemented by kartik\form\ActiveForm and kartik\grid\GridView functionality . |
kartik\builder\TabularFormAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\builder\TabularForm widget. |
kartik\checkbox\CheckboxX | CheckboxX is an extended checkbox widget for Yii Framework 2 based on the bootstrap-checkbox-x plugin by Krajee. |
kartik\checkbox\CheckboxXAsset | Asset bundle for kartik\checkbox\CheckboxX widget. Includes assets from bootstrap-checkbox-x plugin by Krajee. |
kartik\checkbox\KrajeeFlatBlueThemeAsset | Asset bundle for the Krajee flatblue theme used in kartik\checkbox\CheckboxX widget. Includes assets from bootstrap-checkbox-x plugin by Krajee. |
kartik\cmenu\ContextMenu | ContextMenu widget allows to access a bootstrap styled context menu on a specific element on the page via the mouse right click. This is based on bootstrap-contextmenu jquery plugin by sydcanem. |
kartik\cmenu\ContextMenuAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\cmenu\ContextMenu widget. |
kartik\color\ColorInput | ColorInput widget is an enhanced widget encapsulating the HTML 5 color input. The widget is styled using Bootstrap library components. |
kartik\color\ColorInputAsset | Asset bundle for ColorInput Widget |
kartik\date\DatePicker | DatePicker widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the Bootstrap DatePicker plugin by @eternicode and provides a flexible datepicker widget in Bootstrap style.This DatePicker widget by Krajee also includes additional features and enhancements to the core plugin like better useful bootstrap addons. It includes an enhanced date clear addon button to clear dates easily. It also adds ability to configure and render the datepicker INLINE, or as a BUTTON, or as a date RANGE by integrating with the kartik\field\FieldRange widget. |
kartik\date\DatePickerAsset | Asset bundle for DatePicker Widget |
kartik\datecontrol\DateControl | DateControl widget enables you to manage formatting of date/time separately for display (View) and saving to database (Model). |
kartik\datecontrol\DateControlAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\datecontrol\DateControl widget. |
kartik\datecontrol\DateFormatterAsset | Asset bundle for the Krajee PHP Date Formatter extension. |
kartik\datecontrol\Module | Date control module for Yii Framework 2.0. This module is necessary to configure and use the kartik\datecontrol\DateControl widget in your application. |
kartik\datecontrol\controllers\ParseController | ParseController class manages the actions for date conversion via ajax from display to save. |
kartik\daterange\DateRangeBehavior | DateRangeBehavior automatically fills the specified attributes with the parsed date range values to work seamlessly with the kartik\daterange\DateRangePicker widget. |
kartik\daterange\DateRangePicker | DateRangePicker is an advanced date range picker input for Yii Framework 2 based on
bootstrap-daterangepicker plugin. |
kartik\daterange\DateRangePickerAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\daterange\DateRangePicker widget. |
kartik\daterange\LanguageAsset | Language asset bundle for the kartik\daterange\DateRangePicker widget. |
kartik\daterange\MomentAsset | Moment asset bundle for the kartik\daterange\DateRangePicker widget. |
kartik\datetime\DateTimePicker | DateTimePicker widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the Bootstrap DateTimePicker plugin by smalot. This is a fork of the DatePicker plugin by @eternicode and adds the time functionality. |
kartik\datetime\DateTimePickerAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\datetime\DateTimePicker widget. |
kartik\depdrop\DepDrop | Dependent Dropdown widget is a wrapper widget for the dependent-dropdown JQuery plugin by Krajee. The plugin enables setting up dependent dropdowns with nested dependencies. |
kartik\depdrop\DepDropAction | Dependent Dropdown action that can be used to generate the dependent option values via ajax response. A typical usage of this action in your controller could look like below: |
kartik\depdrop\DepDropAsset | Asset bundle for Dependent Dropdown widget |
kartik\depdrop\DepDropExtAsset | Asset bundle for Dependent Dropdown Extension for Yii |
kartik\detail\DetailView | DetailView displays the detail of a single data $model. This widget enhances the yii\widgets\DetailView widget with ability to edit detail view data, configure multi columnar layouts, merged section headers, and various other bootstrap styling enhancements. |
kartik\detail\DetailViewAsset | Asset bundle for DetailView Widget |
kartik\dialog\Dialog | Dialog widget allows an easy configuration to control javascript dialogs and also generate rich styled bootstrap
modal dialogs using bootstrap3-dialog plugin. The widget provides
its own advanced javascript library KrajeeDialog that acts a polyfill for the native javascript alert, confirm, and
prompt dialog boxes. |
kartik\dialog\DialogAsset | Asset bundle that provides a polyfill for javascript native alert, confirm, and prompt boxes. The BootstrapDialog will be used if available or needed, else the javascript native dialogs will be rendered. |
kartik\dialog\DialogBootstrapAsset | Asset bundle for Bootstrap 3 Dialog |
kartik\dialog\DialogYiiAsset | Asset bundle that overrides Yii's default confirm dialog |
kartik\dropdown\DropdownX | DropdownX renders a Bootstrap 3.x dropdown menu component. This widget extends the default bootstrap yii\bootstrap\Dropdown widget to include nested submenu behavior and styling. |
kartik\dropdown\DropdownXAsset | DropdownX bundle for the kartik\dropdown\DropdownX widget. |
kartik\dynagrid\DynaGrid | Enhance GridView by allowing you to dynamically edit grid configuration. The dynagrid allows you to set your own grid theme, pagesize, and column order/display settings. The widget allows you to manage the order and visibility of columns dynamically at runtime. It also allows you to save this configuration or retrieve the saved configuration to/from session, cookie, or database. |
kartik\dynagrid\DynaGridAsset | Asset bundle for DynaGrid Widget |
kartik\dynagrid\DynaGridDetail | DynaGrid detail widget to save/store grid sort OR grid filter (search criteria) configuration. |
kartik\dynagrid\DynaGridDetailAsset | Asset bundle for kartik\dynagrid\DynaGridDetail widget |
kartik\dynagrid\DynaGridStore | Dynagrid storage configuration object |
kartik\dynagrid\DynaGridTrait | Trait for dynagrid widgets |
kartik\dynagrid\Module | Module for configuring and enabling the dynamic grid functionality for Yii2. |
kartik\dynagrid\controllers\SettingsController | SettingsController will manage the actions for dynagrid settings |
kartik\dynagrid\models\DynaGridConfig | Model for the dynagrid configuration |
kartik\dynagrid\models\DynaGridSettings | Model for the dynagrid filter or sort configuration |
kartik\editable\Editable | An extended editable widget for Yii Framework 2. |
kartik\editable\EditableAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\editable\Editable widget. |
kartik\editable\EditablePjaxAsset | Asset bundle for Pjax processing of the kartik\editable\Editable widget to reinitialize bootstrap-popover-x on pjax completion |
kartik\editors\Codemirror | Class for wrapping the Codemirror editor javascript library. Uses custom codemirror jQuery plugin built by Krajee for wrapping the core javascript library. |
kartik\editors\Summernote | Class for wrapping the Bootstrap Summernote Editor Javascript Plugin. Includes additional enhancements by Krajee for Bootstrap 3.x and 4.x support, and ability to format code, and render preset configurable toolbars. |
kartik\editors\assets\BaseAsset | Base editor asset |
kartik\editors\assets\CodemirrorAsset | Asset bundle for loading code mirror core library assets from Codemirror CDN. |
kartik\editors\assets\CodemirrorFormatterAsset | Asset bundle for loading code mirror code formatter assets from CodeMirror CDN. |
kartik\editors\assets\KrajeeCodemirrorAsset | Asset bundle for loading Krajee codemirror jQuery script |
kartik\editors\assets\KrajeeSummernoteAsset | Asset bundle for loading Krajee summernote script enhancements |
kartik\editors\assets\KrajeeSummernoteStyleAsset | Asset bundle for Krajee Bootstrap CSS Modifications to Summernote Widget. |
kartik\editors\assets\SummernoteAsset | Asset bundle for Summernote Widget. |
kartik\editors\assets\SummernoteBs5Asset | Asset bundle for Summernote Bootstrap 5.x styling |
kartik\export\ExportColumnAsset | Asset bundle for kartik\export\ExportMenu widget (for export columns selector). |
kartik\export\ExportMenu | ExportMenu widget allows exporting tabular structure data to various formats using the PhpSpreadsheet library. The widget extends the kartik\grid\GridView widget, and reads the source data via a $dataProvider very similar to the kartik\grid\GridView. |
kartik\export\ExportMenuAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\export\ExportMenu widget (for export menu data). |
kartik\export\ExportWriterPdf | Krajee custom PDF Writer library based on MPdf. |
kartik\field\FieldRange | FieldRange widget enables to setup and manage an input field range (from/to values) that works seamlessly with kartik\form\ActiveForm and kartik\form\ActiveField. |
kartik\field\FieldRangeAsset | Field Range bundle for \kartik\field\FieldRange |
kartik\file\BaseAsset | BaseAsset is the base asset bundle class used by all FileInput widget asset bundles. |
kartik\file\FileInput | Wrapper for the Bootstrap FileInput JQuery Plugin by Krajee. The FileInput widget is styled for Bootstrap 3.x, 4.x & 5.x with ability to multiple file selection and preview, format button styles and inputs. Runs on all modern browsers supporting HTML5 File Inputs and File Processing API. For browser versions IE9 and below, this widget will gracefully degrade to a native HTML file input. |
kartik\file\FileInputAsset | Asset bundle for FileInput Widget |
kartik\file\FileInputThemeAsset | Theme Asset bundle for the FileInput Widget |
kartik\file\PiExifAsset | PiExif Asset bundle for FileInput Widget |
kartik\file\SortableAsset | Sortable asset bundle for FileInput Widget |
kartik\form\ActiveField | ActiveField represents a form input field within an kartik\form\ActiveForm and extends the yii\widgets\ActiveField component to handle various bootstrap functionality like form types, input groups/addons, toggle buttons, feedback icons, and other enhancements. |
kartik\form\ActiveForm | ActiveForm is a widget that builds an interactive HTML form for one or multiple data models and extends the yii\widgets\ActiveForm widget to handle various bootstrap form types and new functionality. |
kartik\form\ActiveFormAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\form\ActiveForm widget and kartik\form\ActiveField component. |
kartik\form\Bs4CustomFileInputAsset | Asset bundle for the custom file input animation for bootstrap 4.x. |
kartik\grid\ActionColumn | The ActionColumn is a column that displays buttons for viewing and manipulating the items and extends the yii\grid\ActionColumn with various enhancements. |
kartik\grid\ActionColumnAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\grid\ActionColumn (deprecated since v3.1.6). |
kartik\grid\BooleanColumn | A BooleanColumn will convert true/false values as user friendly indicators with an automated drop down filter for the kartik\grid\GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\CheckboxColumn | The CheckboxColumn displays a column of checkboxes in a grid view and extends the yii\grid\CheckboxColumn with various enhancements. |
kartik\grid\CheckboxColumnAsset | Asset bundle for kartik\grid\CheckboxColumn functionality of the kartik\grid\GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\ColumnTrait | ColumnTrait maintains generic methods used by all column widgets in kartik\grid\GridView. |
kartik\grid\DataColumn | The DataColumn is the default column type for the kartik\grid\GridView widget and extends the yii\grid\DataColumn with various enhancements. |
kartik\grid\Demo | Dummy demo class used for generating translation messages for the grid demo. |
kartik\grid\EditableColumn | The EditableColumn converts the data to editable using the Editable widget kartik\editable\Editable. |
kartik\grid\EditableColumnAction | EditableAction is useful for processing the update of kartik\grid\EditableColumn attributes via form submission. A typical usage of this action in your controller could look like below: |
kartik\grid\EditableColumnAsset | Asset bundle for kartik\grid\EditableColumn functionality of the kartik\grid\GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\EnumColumn | The kartik\grid\EnumColumn allows you to configure and display a dynamic content / markup for each of the cell attribute
values based on enumerated $value => $content pairs. An example of the usage: |
kartik\grid\ExpandRowColumn | An ExpandRowColumn can be used to expand a row and add content in a new row below it either directly or via ajax. |
kartik\grid\ExpandRowColumnAsset | Asset bundle for kartik\grid\ExpandRowColumn functionality of the kartik\grid\GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\FormulaColumn | A FormulaColumn to calculate values based on other column indexes for the Grid widget kartik\grid\GridView. |
kartik\grid\GridEditedRowAsset | Asset bundle for edited row focus functionality of the kartik\grid\GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\GridExportAsset | Asset bundle for exporting data functionality of kartik\grid\GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\GridGroupAsset | Asset bundle for row grouping functionality of kartik\grid\GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\GridLinkSorter | GridLinkSorter extends LinkSorter to Krajee specific sort icons and renders a list of sort links for the given sort definition. |
kartik\grid\GridPerfectScrollbarAsset | Asset bundle for perfect scrollbar functionality for the kartik\grid\GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\GridResizeColumnsAsset | Asset bundle for resizable columns functionality for the kartik\grid\GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\GridResizeStoreAsset | Asset bundle for storage of resizable columns setting for the kartik\grid\GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\GridToggleDataAsset | Asset bundle used for toggling data (from page mode to all records) for the kartik\grid\GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\GridView | The GridView widget is used to display data in a grid. It provides features like sorting, paging and also filtering the data. The kartik\grid\GridView widget extends and modifies yii\grid\GridView with various new enhancements. |
kartik\grid\GridViewAsset | Asset bundle for the styling of the kartik\grid\GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\GridViewInterface | The Krajee GridView interface |
kartik\grid\GridViewTrait | The Krajee GridView Trait contains all methods and properties that enhances the Yii2 GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\Module | This module allows global level configurations for the enhanced Krajee kartik\grid\GridView. |
kartik\grid\RadioColumn | RadioColumn displays a column of radio inputs in a grid view. It is different than the CheckboxColumn in the sense that it allows only a single row to be selected at a time. |
kartik\grid\RadioColumnAsset | Asset bundle for kartik\grid\RadioColumn functionality of the kartik\grid\GridView widget. |
kartik\grid\SerialColumn | A SerialColumn displays a column of row numbers (1-based) and extends the yii\grid\SerialColumn with various enhancements. |
kartik\grid\controllers\ExportController | ExportController manages actions for downloading the kartik\grid\GridView tabular content in various export formats. |
kartik\grid\controllers\GridEditedRowController | GridEditedRowController implements the actions for controlling the record edits via the GridView and displaying the last edited row in the kartik\grid\GridView. |
kartik\grid\controllers\GridEditedRowTrait | GridEditedRowTrait implements the specific actions and methods that can be used in any of controllers to
enable the Krajee GridView edited row functionality. You must define a property called editedRowConfig in your
controller and use this trait. The property must match the kartik\grid\GridView::$editedRowConfig property specification. |
kartik\growl\Growl | Growl widget is an extended Yii2 wrapper for the bootstrap growl plugin by remabledesigns. |
kartik\growl\GrowlAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\growl\Growl widget. |
kartik\helpers\Enum | Enum is a collection of useful helper methods that can be used across various PHP applications. It extends the yii\helpers\Inflector class, which pluralizes and singularizes English nouns. In addition, this extension provides methods to properize string for possessive punctuation, convert number to words, format bytes, human friendly time elapsed and other useful methods. |
kartik\helpers\Html | Html provides a set of static methods for generating commonly used HTML tags and extends yii\helpers\Html with additional bootstrap styled components and markup. |
kartik\icons\ElusiveAsset | Asset bundle for the Elusive icon set. Uses client assets (CSS, images, and fonts) from Elusive Icons repository. |
kartik\icons\FlagIconAsset | Asset bundle for the FlagIcon icon set. Uses client assets (CSS, images, and fonts) from flag icons repository. |
kartik\icons\FontAwesomeAsset | Asset bundle for the FontAwesome SVG/JS icon set. Uses SVG/JS client assets from font-awesome CDN repository. |
kartik\icons\IcoFontAsset | Asset bundle for the IcoFont icon set. Uses client assets (CSS, images, and fonts) from IcoFont repository. |
kartik\icons\Icon | Icon is a class for setting up icon frameworks to work with Yii in an easy way To setup a global default icon framework, you can set the Yii param 'icon-framework' to one of the following values in your config file: |
kartik\icons\JuiAsset | Asset bundle for the Jquery UI theme set. Uses client assets (CSS, images, and fonts) from Jquery UI Icons repository. |
kartik\icons\OcticonsAsset | Asset bundle for the Octicons icon set. Uses client assets (CSS, images, and fonts) from Github Icons repository. |
kartik\icons\OpenIconicAsset | Asset bundle for the Open Iconic icon set. Uses client assets (CSS, images, and fonts) from Open Iconic repository. |
kartik\icons\SociconAsset | Asset bundle for the Socicon icon set. Uses client assets (CSS, images, and fonts) from Socicon repository. |
kartik\icons\TypiconsAsset | Asset bundle for Typicons icon set. Uses client assets (CSS, images, and fonts) from Typicons repository. |
kartik\icons\UniAsset | Asset bundle for the Krajee Unicode Icons. |
kartik\icons\WhhgAsset | Asset bundle for the Web Hosting Hub Glyphs. Uses client assets (CSS, images, and fonts) from WHHG repository. |
kartik\ipinfo\IpInfo | IP Info widget for Yii2 with ability to display country flag and geo position info. Uses the API from to parse IP info. |
kartik\ipinfo\IpInfoAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\ipinfo\IpInfo widget. |
kartik\ipinfo\IpInfoModel | The model that maintains the data set for IP Information from the ip-api and used by the kartik\ipinfo\IpInfo widget. |
kartik\label\LabelInPlace | A form enhancement widget for Yii framework 2.0 allowing in-field label support. This extension is based on the labelinplace plugin by andreapace. |
kartik\label\LabelInPlaceAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\label\LabelInPlace widget. |
kartik\markdown\Markdown | Markdown provides concrete implementation for PHP Markdown Extra and PHP SmartyPantsTypographer. |
kartik\markdown\MarkdownEditor | A Markdown editor that implements PHP Markdown extra and PHP SmartyPantsTypographer styled using Bootstrap 3.0. Contains a lot of custom configuration and conversion options. |
kartik\markdown\MarkdownEditorAsset | Asset bundle for MarkdownEditor Widget |
kartik\markdown\Module | A Markdown conversion and editing module for Yii Framework 2.0 |
kartik\markdown\controllers\ParseController | |
kartik\money\MaskMoney | MaskMoney is an input widget styled for Bootstrap 3 based on the jQuery-maskMoney plugin, which offers a simple way to create masks to your currency form fields. |
kartik\money\MaskMoneyAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\money\MaskMoney widget. Includes client assets from jQuery-maskMoney. |
kartik\mpdf\Pdf | The Pdf class is a Yii2 component that allows to convert HTML content to portable document format (PDF). It allows configuration of how the PDF document is generated and how it should be delivered to the user. This component uses the Mpdf library and includes various additional enhancements specifically for the Yii2 framework. |
kartik\nav\NavX | An extended nav menu for Bootstrap 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x that offers multi-level submenu drilldown. |
kartik\nav\NavXBs3 | An extended nav menu for Bootstrap 3.x that offers submenu drilldown. |
kartik\nav\NavXBs4 | An extended nav menu for Bootstrap 4.x that offers submenu drilldown. |
kartik\nav\NavXBs5 | An extended nav menu for Bootstrap 5.x that offers submenu drilldown. |
kartik\nav\NavXTrait | NavXTrait is the base trait for kartik\nav\NavX methods. |
kartik\number\NumberControl | NumberControl widget is an enhanced yii\helpers\Html::textInput() that specifically displays formatted numeric data and allows one to configure the number input formats (with prefix, suffix, thousands separator etc.). |
kartik\number\NumberControlAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\number\NumberControl widget. |
kartik\password\PasswordInput | PasswordInput widget is a wrapper for the JQuery Strength meter plugin by Krajee. The plugin converts a password input into a widget with an advanced strength validation meter and toggle mask to show/hide the password. The password strength is validated as you type. |
kartik\password\PasswordInputAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\password\PasswordInput widget. |
kartik\password\StrengthValidator | StrengthValidator validates if the attribute value matches a specified set of password strength rules. You can use this validator to validate the password strength as part of your model's validation rules. |
kartik\password\StrengthValidatorAsset | Asset bundle for StrengthValidator |
kartik\popover\PopoverX | PopoverX is an extended popover widget for Yii Framework 2 based on the bootstrap-popover-x plugin by Krajee. This widget combines both the popover and bootstrap modal features and includes various new styling enhancements. |
kartik\popover\PopoverXAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\popover\PopoverX widget. Includes assets from bootstrap-popover-x plugin by Krajee. |
kartik\range\RangeInput | RangeInput widget is an enhanced widget built by Krajee encapsulating the HTML 5 range input. The widget is styled using Bootstrap library components. |
kartik\rating\StarRating | StarRating widget is a wrapper widget for the Bootstrap Star Rating plugin by Krajee. This plugin is a simple star rating yet powerful control that converts a 'number' input to a star rating control using JQuery. The widget is styled for usage with Bootstrap library (3.x, 4.x, or 5.x). The widget also includes ability to support fractional ratings with editable star symbol, RTL inputs, and custom styling. |
kartik\rating\StarRatingAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\rating\StarRating widget. |
kartik\rating\StarRatingThemeAsset | Theme asset bundle for the kartik\rating\StarRating widget. |
kartik\select2\Select2 | Select2 widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the Select2 jQuery plugin. This input widget is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. The widget is specially styled for all major Bootstrap releases 3.x, 4.x & 5.x. |
kartik\select2\Select2Asset | Asset bundle for kartik\select2\Select2 Widget. Includes assets from the select2 plugin library. |
kartik\select2\Select2KrajeeAsset | Krajee asset bundle for kartik\select2\Select2 Widget. |
kartik\select2\ThemeAsset | Base theme asset bundle for the kartik\select2\Select2 widget. |
kartik\select2\ThemeBootstrapAsset | Asset bundle for the bootstrap theme for the kartik\select2\Select2 widget. |
kartik\select2\ThemeClassicAsset | Asset bundle for the classic theme for the kartik\select2\Select2 widget. |
kartik\select2\ThemeDefaultAsset | Asset bundle for the default inbuilt theme for the kartik\select2\Select2 widget. |
kartik\select2\ThemeKrajeeBs3Asset | Asset bundle for the Krajee theme for the kartik\select2\Select2 widget. |
kartik\select2\ThemeKrajeeBs4Asset | Asset bundle for the Krajee theme for the kartik\select2\Select2 widget. |
kartik\select2\ThemeKrajeeBs5Asset | Asset bundle for the Krajee theme for the kartik\select2\Select2 widget. |
kartik\select2\ThemeMaterialAsset | Asset bundle for the Krajee theme for the kartik\select2\Select2 widget. |
kartik\sidenav\SideNav | A custom extended side navigation menu extending Yii2 yii\widgets\Menu widget and styled using Bootstrap CSS library components. |
kartik\sidenav\SideNavAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\sidenav\SideNav widget. |
kartik\slider\Slider | An extended slider input for Bootstrap 3 based on bootstrap-slider plugin. |
kartik\slider\SliderAsset | Slider bundle for \kartik\slider\Slider |
kartik\social\Disqus | Widget to embed Disqus comments on your website |
kartik\social\FacebookPersistentHandler | Facebook persistent handler for Yii. |
kartik\social\FacebookPlugin | Widget to render various Facebook plugins |
kartik\social\GithubPlugin | Widget to render various Github buttons. Based on the unofficial Github Buttons by @mdo. |
kartik\social\GithubXPlugin | Widget to render various Github buttons. Based on the unofficial Github Buttons. |
kartik\social\GoogleAnalytics | Widget to embed Google Analytics tracking plugin on your website |
kartik\social\GooglePlugin | Widget to render various Google plugins |
kartik\social\Module | Module for configuring all social widgets |
kartik\social\TwitterPlugin | Widget to render various Twitter plugins |
kartik\social\VKPlugin | Widget to render various VKontakte plugins |
kartik\social\Widget | Base widget for all social widgets |
kartik\sortable\Sortable | Sortable creates sortable lists and grids using HTML5 drag and drop API for Yii 2.0 and is based on the
html5sortable plugin. Enables users to reorder and sort lists via drag and drop. |
kartik\sortable\SortableAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\sortable\Sortable widget. |
kartik\sortinput\SortableInput | A sortable input list widget based on kartik\sortable\Sortable widget. Allows you to display and edit the results of a sortable list via drag and drop. |
kartik\sortinput\SortableInputAsset | SortableInput bundle for the kartik\sortinput\SortableInput widget. |
kartik\spinner\Spinner | Spinner widget enables you to render configurable animated loading spinners styled using CSS. It is a wrapper for the spin.js library that enables an animated CSS3 spinner with VML fallback for IE. |
kartik\spinner\SpinnerAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\spinner\Spinner widget. |
kartik\switchinput\SwitchInput | Switch widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the Bootstrap Switch plugin by Mattia, Peter, & Emanuele. This input widget is a jQuery based replacement for checkboxes and radio buttons and converts them to toggle switchinputes. |
kartik\switchinput\SwitchInputAsset | Asset bundle for Switch Widget |
kartik\tabs\StickyTabsAsset | Asset bundle for the StickyTabs plugin used by TabsX widget. Includes assets from timabell/jquery-stickytabs plugin. |
kartik\tabs\TabsX | TabsX is an extended Bootstrap Tabs navigation widget for Yii Framework 2 based on the bootstrap-tabs-x plugin by Krajee. This widget enhances the default bootstrap tabs plugin with various new styling enhancements. |
kartik\tabs\TabsXAsset | TabsXAsset is the asset bundle for kartik\tabs\TabsX widget. Includes assets from bootstrap-tabs-x plugin by Krajee. |
kartik\time\TimePicker | The TimePicker widget allows you to easily select a time for a text input using your mouse or keyboards arrow keys. |
kartik\time\TimePickerAsset | Asset bundle for TimePicker Widget |
kartik\touchspin\TouchSpin | TouchSpin widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the bootstrap-touchspin plugin by István Ujj-Mészáros. This input widget is a mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap 3. |
kartik\touchspin\TouchSpinAsset | Asset bundle for TouchSpin Widget |
kartik\tree\Module | Module is the tree management module for Yii Framework 2.0 that enables the kartik\tree\TreeView widget functionality. |
kartik\tree\TreeSecurity | Tree data security and data hashing helper class. This class and its methods are used by the kartik\tree\TreeView widget to manage data transfer between the client and the server in a secure way. |
kartik\tree\TreeView | TreeView is an enhanced tree view widget for Yii Framework 2 that allows management and manipulation of hierarchical data using nested sets. The widget utilizes the yii2-nested-sets extension to manage the tree structure in your database. |
kartik\tree\TreeViewAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\tree\TreeView widget. |
kartik\tree\TreeViewInput | An input widget that extends kartik\tree\TreeView, and allows one to select records from the tree. This widget should be used, if you wish the user to select items from a list displayed in a tree structure. |
kartik\tree\TreeViewInputAsset | Asset bundle for the kartik\tree\TreeViewInput widget. |
kartik\tree\controllers\NodeController | NodeController manages all the manipulation actions for each tree node. It includes security validations to ensure
the actions are accessible only via ajax or post requests. In addition, it includes stateless signature token
validation to cross check that data is not tampered before the request is sent via POST. |
kartik\tree\models\Tree | This is the base model class for the nested set tree structure. To use this in your project, create your model for storing the tree structure extending the kartik\tree\models\Tree model. You can alternatively build your own model extending from yii\db\ActiveRecord but modify it to use the kartik\tree\models\TreeTrait. |
kartik\tree\models\TreeQuery | TreeQuery is the base query class for the nested set tree and used by the kartik\tree\models\Tree model. |
kartik\tree\models\TreeTrait | Trait that must be used by the Tree model |
kartik\typeahead\Typeahead | Typeahead widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the Twitter typeahead.js plugin. This input widget is a jQuery based replacement for text inputs providing search and typeahead functionality. It is inspired by's autocomplete search functionality and based on Twitter's typeahead.js which Twitter mentions as a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library. |
kartik\typeahead\TypeaheadAsset | Asset bundle for Typeahead advanced widget |
kartik\typeahead\TypeaheadBasic | Typeahead widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the Twitter typeahead.js plugin. This input widget is a jQuery based replacement for text inputs providing search and typeahead functionality. It is inspired by's autocomplete search functionality and based on Twitter's typeahead.js which Twitter mentions as a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library. |
kartik\typeahead\TypeaheadBasicAsset | Asset bundle for Typeahead Widget (Basic) |
kartik\typeahead\TypeaheadHBAsset | Asset bundle for Typeahead Handle Bars plugin |
kartik\validators\Bootstrap | Bootstrap for additional validators to yii\validators\Validator::$builtInValidators
for easier use and friendly syntax. |
kartik\validators\CardValidator | CardValidator validates standard debit and credit card number inputs using Luhn's checksum validation. It also additionally validates the card holder name, expiry date and CVV entered. |
kartik\validators\CardValidatorAsset | Card Validation asset bundle. |
kartik\validators\EmailValidator | EmailValidator validates that the attribute value contains a list of valid emails separated by a delimiter. |
kartik\validators\EmailValidatorAsset | Email Validation asset bundle. |
kartik\validators\JsonValidator | JsonValidator will help parse a valid JSON input format and also gives an option to prettify the json input |
kartik\validators\JsonValidatorAsset | Asset bundle for JsonValidator |
kartik\validators\PhoneValidator | PhoneValidator validates phone numbers for given country and formats. The country codes and attributes value should be ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. |
kartik\validators\ValidatorTrait | Trait ValidatorTrait |
kartik\widgets\ActiveField | Extends the ActiveField component to handle various bootstrap form types and handle input groups. |
kartik\widgets\ActiveForm | Extends the ActiveForm widget to handle various bootstrap form types. |
kartik\widgets\Affix | A scrollspy and affixed enhanced navigation to highlight sections and secondary sections in each page |
kartik\widgets\Alert | Extends the \yii\bootstrap\Alert widget with additional styling and auto fade out options. |
kartik\widgets\AlertBlock | Alert block widget that groups multiple \kartik\widget\Alert or kartik\widget\Growl widgets as one single block. |
kartik\widgets\AssetBundle | Base asset bundle for all widgets |
kartik\widgets\ColorInput | ColorInput widget is an enhanced widget encapsulating the HTML 5 color input. |
kartik\widgets\DatePicker | DatePicker widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the Bootstrap DatePicker plugin. The plugin is a fork of Stefan Petre's DatePicker (of, with improvements by @eternicode. |
kartik\widgets\DateTimePicker | DateTimePicker widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the Bootstrap DateTimePicker plugin by smalot This is a fork of the DatePicker plugin by @eternicode and adds the time functionality. |
kartik\widgets\DepDrop | Dependent Dropdown widget is a wrapper widget for the dependent-dropdown JQuery plugin by Krajee. The plugin enables setting up dependent dropdowns with nested dependencies. |
kartik\widgets\FileInput | FileInput widget styled for Bootstrap 3.0 with ability to multiple file selection and preview, format button styles and inputs. Runs on all modern browsers supporting HTML5 File Inputs and File Processing API. For browser versions IE9 and below, this widget will gracefully degrade to normal HTML file input. |
kartik\widgets\Growl | Widget that wraps the Bootstrap Growl plugin by remabledesigns. |
kartik\widgets\InputWidget | Base input widget class for yii2-widgets |
kartik\widgets\RangeInput | RangeInput widget is an enhanced widget encapsulating the HTML 5 range input. |
kartik\widgets\Select2 | Select2 widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the Select2 jQuery plugin. This input widget is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. The widget is specially styled for Bootstrap 3. |
kartik\widgets\SideNav | A custom extended side navigation menu extending Yii Menu |
kartik\widgets\Spinner | A widget that wraps the spin.js - an animated CSS3 loading spinner with VML fallback for IE. |
kartik\widgets\StarRating | StarRating widget is a wrapper widget for the Bootstrap Star Rating plugin by Krajee. |
kartik\widgets\SwitchInput | Switch widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the Bootstrap Switch plugin by Mattia, Peter, & Emanuele. |
kartik\widgets\TimePicker | The TimePicker widget allows you to easily select a time for a text input using your mouse or keyboards arrow keys. Thus widget is a wrapper enhancement over the TimePicker JQuery plugin by rendom forked from the plugin by jdewit. Additional enhancements have been done to this input widget for compatibility with Bootstrap 3. |
kartik\widgets\TouchSpin | TouchSpin widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the bootstrap-touchspin plugin by István Ujj-Mészáros. This input widget is a mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap 3. |
kartik\widgets\Typeahead | Typeahead widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the Twitter typeahead.js plugin. This input widget is a jQuery based replacement for text inputs providing search and typeahead functionality. It is inspired by's autocomplete search functionality and based on Twitter's typeahead.js which Twitter mentions as a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library. |
kartik\widgets\TypeaheadBasic | Typeahead widget is a Yii2 wrapper for the Twitter typeahead.js plugin. This input widget is a jQuery based replacement for text inputs providing search and typeahead functionality. It is inspired by's autocomplete search functionality and based on Twitter's typeahead.js which Twitter mentions as a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library. |
kartik\widgets\Widget | Base widget class for yii2-widgets |
kartik\widgets\WidgetAsset | Common base widget asset bundle for all Krajee widgets |
kartik\wordreport\TemplateReport | TemplateReport class is a library for generating reports in Word/PDF from Microsoft Word Templates. It uses the PhpOffice\PhpWord library to parse the word templates and generate the report. |
kartik\wordreport\pdf\LibreOffice | Libre Office PDF conversion library |
kartik\wordreport\pdf\Unoconv | Unoconv PDF conversion library |
kartik\wordreport\utils\Command | This Command library helps managing and executing shell commands. Modified version of the Command class from mikehaertl/php-shellcommand. |
kartik\wordreport\utils\Converter | Abstract Converter class manages Document format conversions |
kartik\wordreport\utils\ConverterException | ConverterException represents an exception caused due to error in document format conversion. |
kartik\wordreport\utils\LogTrait | LogTrait implements logging utility methods used by all word report classes. |