Class kartik\detail\DetailView

Inheritancekartik\detail\DetailView » yii\widgets\DetailView » yii\base\Widget » yii\base\Component » yii\base\BaseObject
Implementskartik\base\BootstrapInterface, yii\base\Configurable, yii\base\ViewContextInterface
Uses Traitskartik\base\BootstrapTrait, kartik\base\TranslationTrait, kartik\base\WidgetTrait
Available since version1.0

DetailView displays the detail of a single data $model. This widget enhances the yii\widgets\DetailView widget with ability to edit detail view data, configure multi columnar layouts, merged section headers, and various other bootstrap styling enhancements.

DetailView is best used for displaying a model in a regular format (e.g. each model attribute is displayed as a row in a table or one can define multiple columns by defining child attributes in each attribute configuration.) The model can be either an instance of yii\base\Model or an associative array.

DetailView uses the $attributes property to determines which model attributes should be displayed and how they should be formatted.

A typical usage of DetailView is as follows:

echo DetailView::widget([
    'model' => $model,
    'attributes' => [
        'title',               // title attribute (in plain text)
        'description:html',    // description attribute in HTML
        [                      // the owner name of the model
            'label' => 'Owner',
            'value' => $model->owner->name,
        'created_at:datetime', // creation date formatted as datetime

Public Properties

Hide inherited properties

PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined By
$alertContainerOptions array The HTML attributes for the alert block container which will display any alert messages received on update or delete of record. kartik\detail\DetailView
$alertMessageSettings array The alert flash message settings. kartik\detail\DetailView
$alertWidgetOptions array The widget settings for each bootstrap alert displayed in the alert container block. kartik\detail\DetailView
$arrayValueToString boolean Whether to convert array values to string using print_r. kartik\detail\DetailView
$attributes array A list of attributes to be displayed in the detail view. kartik\detail\DetailView
$autoIdPrefix string The prefix to the automatically generated widget IDs. yii\base\Widget
$baseSourcePath string|false Get parsed base source path based on $sourcePath setting. If $sourcePath is not set, it will return the current working directory of this widget class. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$behaviors yii\base\Behavior[] List of behaviors attached to this component. yii\base\Component
$bootstrap boolean Whether the grid view will have Bootstrap table styling. kartik\detail\DetailView
$bordered boolean Whether the grid table will have a bordered style. kartik\detail\DetailView
$bsColCssPrefixes array The bootstrap grid column css prefixes mapping, the key is the bootstrap versions, and the value is an array containing the sizes and their corresponding grid column css prefixes. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
$bsCssMap array CSS conversion mappings across bootstrap library versions. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
$bsExtBasename integer The yii2 bootstrap extension base name (readonly property available via getter method getBsExtBasename()) kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
$bsVer integer Bootstrap version number currently set (readonly property available via getter method getBsVer()) kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
$bsVersion integer|string The bootstrap library version that you wish to use for this specific extension / widget. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
$buttonContainer array The options for the button toolbar container kartik\detail\DetailView
$buttons1 string The buttons to show when in view mode. kartik\detail\DetailView
$buttons2 string The buttons template to show when in edit mode. kartik\detail\DetailView
$childTableOptions array HTML attributes for the child table (applicable when using with multiple child columns). kartik\detail\DetailView
$condensed boolean Whether the grid table will have a condensed style. kartik\detail\DetailView
$container array The HTML attributes for the widget container kartik\detail\DetailView
$counter integer A counter used to generate $id for widgets. yii\base\Widget
$defaultBtnCss string Default bootstrap button CSS (readonly property available via getter method getDefaultBtnCss()) kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
$defaultIconPrefix string Default icon prefix (readonly property available via getter method getDefaultIconPrefix()) kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
$defaultOptions array Default HTML attributes or other settings for widgets. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$defaultPluginOptions array Default plugin options for the widget kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$deleteOptions array The HTML attributes for the edit button. kartik\detail\DetailView
$dropdownClass string Bootstrap dropdown class name based on currently configured bootstrap version (readonly property available via getter method getDropdownClass()) kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
$editAttributeContainer array The HTML attributes for the container displaying the EDIT mode attributes. kartik\detail\DetailView
$editButtonsContainer array The HTML attributes for the container displaying the EDIT mode buttons. kartik\detail\DetailView
$enableEditMode boolean Whether to enable edit mode for the detail view. kartik\detail\DetailView
$fadeDelay integer The fade animation delay in microseconds when toggling between the view and edit modes. kartik\detail\DetailView
$formClass string The form widget class name (extending from yii\widgets\ActiveForm) to be used for editing kartik\detail\DetailView
$formOptions array The options for the yii\widgets\ActiveForm instance that will be generated in edit mode based on $formClass. kartik\detail\DetailView
$formatter array|yii\i18n\Formatter|null The formatter used to format model attribute values into displayable texts. yii\widgets\DetailView
$hAlign string The horizontal alignment for the label column kartik\detail\DetailView
$hashVarLoadPosition integer The position where the client JS hash variables for the input widget will be loaded. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$hideAlerts boolean Whether to hide all alerts. kartik\detail\DetailView
$hideIfEmpty boolean Whether to hide rows in view mode if value is null or empty. kartik\detail\DetailView
$hover boolean Whether the grid table will highlight row on hover. kartik\detail\DetailView
$i18n array The the internalization configuration for this widget. kartik\base\TranslationTrait
$id string|null ID of the widget. Note that the type of this property differs in getter and setter. See getId() and setId() for details. yii\base\Widget
$krajeeDialogSettings array Configuration settings for the kartik\dialog\Dialog widget that will be used to render alerts and confirmation dialog prompts. kartik\detail\DetailView
$labelColOptions array The HTML attributes for the label column kartik\detail\DetailView
$mainTemplate string The main template to render the detail view. kartik\detail\DetailView
$mode string The mode for the Detail View when its initialized kartik\detail\DetailView
$model array|object The data model whose details are to be displayed. yii\widgets\DetailView
$moduleId string The module identifier if this widget is part of a module. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$notSetIfEmpty boolean Whether to show values as not set if empty string kartik\detail\DetailView
$options array The HTML attributes for the detail view table kartik\detail\DetailView
$panel array The panel settings for displaying the grid view within a bootstrap styled panel. kartik\detail\DetailView
$panelCssPrefix string The CSS class prefix to apply to the bootstrap panel container (applicable when $panel is configured). kartik\detail\DetailView
$panelHeadingTemplate string The template for rendering the panel heading. kartik\detail\DetailView
$panelOptions array Bootstrap panel options. kartik\detail\DetailView
$panelTemplate string The template for rendering the grid within a bootstrap styled panel / card layout. kartik\detail\DetailView
$pjaxContainerId string The identifier for the PJAX widget container if the widget is to be rendered inside a PJAX container. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$pjaxDuplicationFix boolean Prevent duplication of pjax containers when browser back & forward buttons are pressed. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$pluginDestroyJs string The javascript that will be used to destroy the jQuery plugin kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$pluginEvents array Widget JQuery events. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$pluginName string The plugin name kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$pluginOptions array Widget plugin options. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$resetOptions array The HTML attributes for the reset button. kartik\detail\DetailView
$responsive boolean Whether the grid table will have a responsive style. kartik\detail\DetailView
$rowOptions array The HTML attributes for each attribute row kartik\detail\DetailView
$saveOptions array The HTML attributes for the save button. kartik\detail\DetailView
$showErrorSummary boolean Whether to show form error summary as part of the error alert. kartik\detail\DetailView
$sourcePath string Directory path to the original widget source. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$stack yii\base\Widget[] The widgets that are currently being rendered (not ended). yii\base\Widget
$striped boolean Whether the grid table will have a striped style. kartik\detail\DetailView
$tableContainer array The HTML attributes for the table container kartik\detail\DetailView
$template string|callable The template used to render a single attribute. yii\widgets\DetailView
$tooltips boolean Whether to display bootstrap style tooltips for titles on hover of buttons. kartik\detail\DetailView
$updateOptions array The HTML attributes for the update button. kartik\detail\DetailView
$vAlign string The vertical alignment for the label column kartik\detail\DetailView
$valueColOptions array The HTML attributes for the value column kartik\detail\DetailView
$view yii\web\View The view object that can be used to render views or view files. Note that the type of this property differs in getter and setter. See getView() and setView() for details. yii\base\Widget
$viewAttributeContainer array The HTML attributes for the container displaying the VIEW mode attributes. kartik\detail\DetailView
$viewButtonsContainer array The HTML attributes for the container displaying the VIEW mode buttons. kartik\detail\DetailView
$viewOptions array The HTML attributes for the view button. kartik\detail\DetailView
$viewPath string The directory containing the view files for this widget. yii\base\Widget

Protected Properties

Hide inherited properties

PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined By
$_bsVer integer Current bootstrap version number kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
$_dataVar string The HTML5 data variable name that will be used to store the Json encoded pluginOptions within the element on which the jQuery plugin will be initialized. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$_defaultBtnCss string Default bootstrap button CSS kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
$_defaultIconPrefix string Default icon CSS prefix kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
$_dropDownInputs string[] List of form inputs (dropdown based) kartik\detail\DetailView
$_encOptions string The JSON encoded plugin options. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$_form yii\widgets\ActiveForm The active form instance kartik\detail\DetailView
$_hashVar string The generated hashed variable name that will store the JSON encoded pluginOptions in yii\web\View::POS_HEAD. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
$_inputsList string[] List of form inputs (non dropdown based) kartik\detail\DetailView
$_isBs4 boolean Flag to detect whether bootstrap 4. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
$_msgCat string Translation message file category name for i18n. kartik\base\TranslationTrait
$_rowOptions array Internally processed HTML attributes for each table row. kartik\detail\DetailView

Public Methods

Hide inherited methods

MethodDescriptionDefined By
__call() Calls the named method which is not a class method. yii\base\Component
__clone() This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one. yii\base\Component
__construct() Constructor. yii\base\BaseObject
__get() Returns the value of a component property. yii\base\Component
__isset() Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null. yii\base\Component
__set() Sets the value of a component property. yii\base\Component
__unset() Sets a component property to be null. yii\base\Component
addCssClass() Adds bootstrap CSS class to options by parsing the bootstrap version for the specified Bootstrap CSS type. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
afterRun() This method is invoked right after a widget is executed. yii\base\Widget
attachBehavior() Attaches a behavior to this component. yii\base\Component
attachBehaviors() Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. yii\base\Component
beforeRun() This method is invoked right before the widget is executed. yii\base\Widget
begin() Begins a widget. yii\base\Widget
behaviors() Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as. yii\base\Component
canGetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read. yii\base\Component
canSetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set. yii\base\Component
className() Returns the fully qualified name of this class. yii\base\BaseObject
detachBehavior() Detaches a behavior from the component. yii\base\Component
detachBehaviors() Detaches all behaviors from the component. yii\base\Component
end() Ends a widget. yii\base\Widget
ensureBehaviors() Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component. yii\base\Component
getBSClass() Gets the respective Bootstrap class based on currently configured bootstrap version. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
getBaseSourcePath() Get parsed base source path based on $sourcePath setting. If $sourcePath is not set, it will return the current working directory of this widget class. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
getBehavior() Returns the named behavior object. yii\base\Component
getBehaviors() Returns all behaviors attached to this component. yii\base\Component
getBsVer() Gets the current set bootstrap version number. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
getCssClass() Gets bootstrap css class by parsing the bootstrap version for the specified BS CSS type. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
getDefaultBtnCss() Gets the default button CSS kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
getDefaultIconPrefix() Gets the default icon css prefix kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
getDropdownClass() Gets the respective bootstrap dropdown class name based on currently configured bootstrap version. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
getId() Returns the ID of the widget. yii\base\Widget
getView() kartik\base\WidgetTrait
getViewPath() Returns the directory containing the view files for this widget. yii\base\Widget
hasEventHandlers() Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event. yii\base\Component
hasMethod() Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined. yii\base\Component
hasProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component. yii\base\Component
init() Initializes the detail view. kartik\detail\DetailView
initI18N() Yii i18n messages configuration for generating translations kartik\base\TranslationTrait
isBs() Validate Bootstrap version kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
isBs4() Validate if Bootstrap 4.x version. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
off() Detaches an existing event handler from this component. yii\base\Component
on() Attaches an event handler to an event. yii\base\Component
registerWidgetJs() Registers a JS code block for the widget. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
removeCssClass() Removes bootstrap CSS class from options by parsing the bootstrap version for the specified Bootstrap CSS type. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
render() Renders a view. yii\base\Widget
renderFile() Renders a view file. yii\base\Widget
run() Renders the detail view. kartik\detail\DetailView
setId() Sets the ID of the widget. yii\base\Widget
setView() Sets the view object to be used by this widget. yii\base\Widget
trigger() Triggers an event. yii\base\Component
widget() Creates a widget instance and runs it. yii\base\Widget

Protected Methods

Hide inherited methods

MethodDescriptionDefined By
addAsset() Adds an asset to the view. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
configureBsVersion() Configures the bootstrap version settings kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
fixPjaxDuplication() Fix for weird PJAX container duplication behavior on pressing browser back and forward buttons. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
getBsExtBasename() The yii2-bootstrap extension base name. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
getDefaultButton() Gets the default button. kartik\detail\DetailView
getPluginScript() Returns the plugin registration script. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
hasEditErrors() Check if model has editing errors. kartik\detail\DetailView
hasGridCol() Checks if a bootstrap grid column class has been added to the container. kartik\detail\DetailView
hashPluginOptions() Generates a hashed variable to store the pluginOptions. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
initBsVersion() Initializes bootstrap versions for the widgets and asset bundles. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
initCss() Sets a default css class within options if not set. kartik\detail\DetailView
initDestroyJs() Generates the pluginDestroyJs script if it is not set. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
initWidget() Initializes the detail view widget kartik\detail\DetailView
isSameVersion() Compares two versions and checks if they are of the same major BS version. kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
mergeDefaultOptions() Merge default options kartik\base\WidgetTrait
normalizeAttributes() Normalizes the attribute specifications. kartik\detail\DetailView
parseAttributeItem() Parses and returns the attribute. kartik\detail\DetailView
parseAttributeProp() Parses the attribute configuration and validates if a property is configured as a Closure callback. If so, the callback is executed and the attribute property is set to this callback output. kartik\detail\DetailView
parseVer() Parses and returns the major BS version kartik\base\BootstrapTrait
registerAssets() Register client assets for the kartik\detail\DetailView widget. kartik\detail\DetailView
registerPlugin() Registers a specific plugin and the related events kartik\base\WidgetTrait
registerPluginOptions() Registers plugin options by storing within a uniquely generated javascript variable. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
renderAlertBlock() Initializes and renders alert container block. kartik\detail\DetailView
renderAttribute() Renders a single attribute. yii\widgets\DetailView
renderAttributeItem() Renders a single attribute item combination. kartik\detail\DetailView
renderAttributeRow() Renders a single attribute. kartik\detail\DetailView
renderButton() Renders a button. kartik\detail\DetailView
renderButtons() Renders the buttons for a specific mode. kartik\detail\DetailView
renderDetailView() Renders the main detail view widget. kartik\detail\DetailView
renderFormAttribute() Renders each form attribute. kartik\detail\DetailView
renderPanel() Sets the grid panel layout based on the $template and $panel settings. kartik\detail\DetailView
runWidget() Prepares and runs the detail view widget. kartik\detail\DetailView
setDataVar() Sets a HTML5 data variable. kartik\base\WidgetTrait
validateDisplay() Validates the display of correct attributes and buttons at initialization based on mode. kartik\detail\DetailView


Hide inherited events

EventTypeDescriptionDefined By
EVENT_AFTER_RUN yii\base\WidgetEvent An event raised right after executing a widget. (available since version 2.0.11) yii\base\Widget
EVENT_BEFORE_RUN yii\base\WidgetEvent An event raised right before executing a widget. (available since version 2.0.11) yii\base\Widget
EVENT_INIT yii\base\Event An event that is triggered when the widget is initialized via init(). (available since version 2.0.11) yii\base\Widget


Hide inherited constants

ConstantValueDescriptionDefined By
ALIGN_BOTTOM 'bottom' Vertical bottom alignment for grid cells kartik\detail\DetailView
ALIGN_CENTER 'center' Horizontal center alignment for grid cells kartik\detail\DetailView
ALIGN_LEFT 'left' Horizontal left alignment for grid cells kartik\detail\DetailView
ALIGN_MIDDLE 'middle' Vertical middle alignment for grid cells kartik\detail\DetailView
ALIGN_RIGHT 'right' Horizontal right alignment for grid cells kartik\detail\DetailView
ALIGN_TOP 'top' Vertical top alignment for grid cells kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_CHECKBOX 'checkbox' Checkbox input kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_CHECKBOX_BUTTON_GROUP 'checkboxButtonGroup' Bootstrap styled checkbox button group kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_CHECKBOX_LIST 'checkboxList' Checkbox inputs as a list allowing multiple selection kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_CHECKBOX_X '\kartik\checkbox\CheckboxX' Krajee checkbox extended input widget kartik\checkbox\CheckboxX kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_COLOR '\kartik\color\ColorInput' Krajee color input widget kartik\color\ColorInput kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_DATE '\kartik\date\DatePicker' Krajee date picker input widget kartik\date\DatePicker kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_DATETIME '\kartik\datetime\DateTimePicker' Krajee date time Picker input widget kartik\datetime\DateTimePicker kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_DATE_RANGE '\kartik\daterange\DateRangePicker' Krajee date range picker input widget kartik\daterange\DateRangePicker kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_DEPDROP '\kartik\depdrop\DepDrop' Krajee dependent dropdown input widget kartik\depdrop\DepDrop kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_DROPDOWN_LIST 'dropDownList' Dropdown list allowing single select kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_FILE 'fileInput' File input kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_FILEINPUT '\kartik\file\FileInput' Krajee file input widget kartik\file\FileInput kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_HIDDEN 'hiddenInput' Hidden input. kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_HIDDEN_STATIC 'hiddenStaticInput' Hidden static input kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_HTML5 'input' Other HTML5 input (e.g. color, range, email etc.) kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_LIST_BOX 'listBox' List box allowing multiple select kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_MONEY '\kartik\money\MaskMoney' Krajee mask money input widget kartik\money\MaskMoney kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_MULTISELECT 'multiselect' Krajee styled multiselect input that allows formatted checkbox list and radio list kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_PASSWORD 'passwordInput' Password input kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_RADIO 'radio' Radio input kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_RADIO_BUTTON_GROUP 'radioButtonGroup' Bootstrap styled radio button group kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_RADIO_LIST 'radioList' Radio inputs as a list kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_RANGE '\kartik\range\RangeInput' Krajee range input widget kartik\range\RangeInput kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_RATING '\kartik\rating\StarRating' Krajee star rating input widget kartik\rating\StarRating kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_SELECT2 '\kartik\select2\Select2' Krajee select2 input widget kartik\select2\Select2 kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_SLIDER '\kartik\slider\Slider' Krajee slider input widget kartik\slider\Slider kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_SORTABLE '\kartik\sortinput\SortableInput' Krajee sortable input widget kartik\sortinput\SortableInput kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_SPIN '\kartik\touchspin\TouchSpin' Krajee touch spin input widget kartik\touchspin\TouchSpin kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_STATIC 'staticInput' Static input (styled using bootstrap style) kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_SWITCH '\kartik\switchinput\SwitchInput' Krajee switch input widget kartik\switchinput\SwitchInput kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_TEXT 'textInput' Text input kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_TEXTAREA 'textarea' Text area kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_TIME '\kartik\time\TimePicker' Krajee Time picker input widget kartik\time\TimePicker kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_TYPEAHEAD '\kartik\typeahead\Typeahead' Krajee typeahead input widget kartik\typeahead\Typeahead kartik\detail\DetailView
INPUT_WIDGET 'widget' Input widget kartik\detail\DetailView
MODE_EDIT 'edit' Edit mode for the detail view kartik\detail\DetailView
MODE_VIEW 'view' View mode for the detail view kartik\detail\DetailView
TYPE_ACTIVE 'active' The active bootstrap contextual color type (applicable only for table row contextual style) kartik\detail\DetailView
TYPE_DANGER 'danger' The danger bootstrap contextual color type kartik\detail\DetailView
TYPE_DARK 'dark' The dark bootstrap contextual color type (applicable only for panel contextual style) kartik\detail\DetailView
TYPE_DEFAULT 'default' The default bootstrap contextual color type (applicable only for panel contextual style) kartik\detail\DetailView
TYPE_INFO 'info' The information bootstrap contextual color type kartik\detail\DetailView
TYPE_LIGHT 'light' The light bootstrap contextual color type (applicable only for panel contextual style) kartik\detail\DetailView
TYPE_PRIMARY 'primary' The primary bootstrap contextual color type kartik\detail\DetailView
TYPE_SECONDARY 'secondary' The secondary bootstrap contextual color type kartik\detail\DetailView
TYPE_SUCCESS 'success' The success bootstrap contextual color type kartik\detail\DetailView
TYPE_WARNING 'warning' The warning bootstrap contextual color type kartik\detail\DetailView

Property Details

$_dropDownInputs protected static property

List of form inputs (dropdown based)

protected static string[] $_dropDownInputs = [
    self::INPUT_LIST_BOX => 'listBox',
self::INPUT_DROPDOWN_LIST => 'dropDownList',
self::INPUT_CHECKBOX_LIST => 'checkboxList',
self::INPUT_RADIO_LIST => 'radioList',
self::INPUT_CHECKBOX_BUTTON_GROUP => 'checkboxButtonGroup',
self::INPUT_RADIO_BUTTON_GROUP => 'radioButtonGroup'
$_form protected property

The active form instance

protected yii\widgets\ActiveForm $_form null
$_inputsList protected static property

List of form inputs (non dropdown based)

protected static string[] $_inputsList = [
    self::INPUT_HIDDEN => 'hiddenInput',
self::INPUT_TEXT => 'textInput',
self::INPUT_PASSWORD => 'passwordInput',
self::INPUT_TEXTAREA => 'textarea',
self::INPUT_CHECKBOX => 'checkbox',
self::INPUT_RADIO => 'radio',
self::INPUT_LIST_BOX => 'listBox',
self::INPUT_DROPDOWN_LIST => 'dropDownList',
self::INPUT_CHECKBOX_LIST => 'checkboxList',
self::INPUT_RADIO_LIST => 'radioList',
self::INPUT_HTML5 => 'input',
self::INPUT_FILE => 'fileInput',
self::INPUT_WIDGET => 'widget',
self::INPUT_CHECKBOX_BUTTON_GROUP => 'checkboxButtonGroup',
self::INPUT_RADIO_BUTTON_GROUP => 'radioButtonGroup'
$_rowOptions protected property

Internally processed HTML attributes for each table row. Defaults settings from $rowOptions.

protected array $_rowOptions = []
$alertContainerOptions public property

The HTML attributes for the alert block container which will display any alert messages received on update or delete of record. This will not be displayed if there are no alert messages.

$alertMessageSettings public property

The alert flash message settings.

This will be set as $key => $value, pairs where:

  • $key: string, flash message key e.g. error, success.
  • $value: string|array, of CSS classes for the flash message e.g. ['alert', 'alert-danger']. This defaults to the following setting:
    'kv-detail-error' => ['alert', 'alert-danger'],
    'kv-detail-success' => ['alert', 'alert-success'],
    'kv-detail-info' =>  ['alert', 'alert-info'],
    'kv-detail-warning' =>  ['alert', 'alert-warning'],
$alertWidgetOptions public property

The widget settings for each bootstrap alert displayed in the alert container block.

The CSS class in options within this property will be auto derived and appended.

  • For update, the error messages will be displayed, only if you have set messages using Yii::$app->session->setFlash. The CSS class for the error block will be auto-derived based on flash message type using alertMessageSettings.
  • For delete, the error messages will be displayed based on the ajax response. The ajax response should be an object that contain the following settings:
    • success: boolean, whether the ajax delete is successful.
    • messages: array|object,the list of messages to display as key value pairs. The key must be one of the message keys in the alertMessageSettings, and the value must be the message content to be displayed.
$arrayValueToString public property

Whether to convert array values to string using print_r.

$attributes public property

A list of attributes to be displayed in the detail view. Each array element represents the specification for displaying one particular attribute.

An attribute can be specified as a string in the format of "attribute", "attribute:format" or "attribute:format:label", where "attribute" refers to the attribute name, and "format" represents the format of the attribute. The "format" is passed to the yii\i18n\Formatter::format() method to format an attribute value into a displayable text. Please refer to yii\i18n\Formatter for the supported types. Both "format" and "label" are optional. They will take default values if absent.

An attribute can also be specified in terms of an array with the following elements.

  • attribute: string|Closure, the attribute name. This is required if either "label" or "value" is not specified.
  • label: string|Closure, the label associated with the attribute. If this is not specified, it will be generated from the attribute name.
  • value: mixed|Closure, the value to be displayed. If this is not specified, it will be retrieved from $model using the attribute name by calling yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::getValue(). Note that this value will be formatted into a displayable text according to the "format" option.
  • format: mixed|Closure, the type of the value that determines how the value would be formatted into a displayable text. Please refer to yii\i18n\Formatter for supported types.
  • visible: boolean|Closure, whether the attribute is visible. If set to false, the attribute will NOT be displayed.

Additional special settings are:

  • viewModel: Model|Closure, the model to be used for this attribute in VIEW mode. This will override the model setting at the widget level. If not set, the widget model setting will be used.
  • editModel: Model|Closure, the model to be used for this attribute in EDIT mode. This will override the model setting at the widget level. If not set, the widget model setting will be used.
  • rowOptions: array|Closure, HTML attributes for the row (if not set, this will be defaulted to the rowOptions set at the widget level)
  • labelColOptions: array|Closure, HTML attributes for the label column (if not set, this will be defaulted to the labelColOptions set at the widget level)
  • valueColOptions: array|Closure, HTML attributes for the value column (if not set, this will be defaulted to valueColOptions set at the widget level)
  • group: boolean|Closure, whether to group the selection by merging the label and value into a single column.
  • groupOptions: array|Closure, HTML attributes for the grouped/merged column when group is set to true.
  • type: string|Closure, the input type for rendering the attribute in edit mode. Must be one of the INPUT_ constants.
  • displayOnly: boolean|Closure, if the input is to be set to as display only in edit mode.
  • widgetOptions: array|Closure_, the widget options if you set type to INPUT_WIDGET. The following special options are recognized:
    • class: _string the fully namespaced widget class.
  • items: array|Closure, the list of data items for dropDownList, listBox, checkboxList & radioList
  • inputType: string|Closure, the HTML 5 input type if type is set to INPUT_HTML5.
  • inputContainer: array|Closure, HTML attributes for the input container
  • inputWidth: string|Closure, the width of the container holding the input, should be appended along with the width unit (px or %) - this property is deprecated since v1.7.7
  • fieldConfig: array|Closure, optional, the Active field configuration.
  • options: array|Closure, optional, the HTML attributes for the input.
  • updateAttr: string|Closure, optional, the name of the attribute to be updated, when in edit mode. This will default to the attribute setting.
  • updateMarkup: string|Closure, the raw markup to render in edit mode. If not set, this normally will be automatically generated based on attribute or updateAttr setting. If this is set it will override the default markup.

Note that all of the attribute properties above can also be setup as a Closure callback with the signature function($form, $widget), where:

  • $form: ActiveForm, is the current active form object in the detail view.
  • $widget: DetailView, is the current detail view widget instance.
public array $attributes null
$bootstrap public property

Whether the grid view will have Bootstrap table styling.

public boolean $bootstrap true
$bordered public property

Whether the grid table will have a bordered style. Applicable only if $bootstrap is true.

public boolean $bordered true
$buttonContainer public property

The options for the button toolbar container

public array $buttonContainer = [
    'class' => 'float-right float-end pull-right'
$buttons1 public property

The buttons to show when in view mode. The following tokens will be parsed and replaced:

  • {view}: the view button
  • {update}: the update button
  • {delete}: the delete button
  • {save}: the save button
public string $buttons1 '{update} {delete}'
$buttons2 public property

The buttons template to show when in edit mode. The following tokens will be parsed and replaced:

  • {view}: the view button
  • {update}: the update button
  • {reset}: the reset button
  • {delete}: the delete button
  • {save}: the save button
public string $buttons2 '{view} {reset} {save}'
$childTableOptions public property

HTML attributes for the child table (applicable when using with multiple child columns).

$condensed public property

Whether the grid table will have a condensed style. Applicable only if $bootstrap is true.

public boolean $condensed false
$container public property

The HTML attributes for the widget container

public array $container = []
$deleteOptions public property

The HTML attributes for the edit button. The following special options are recognized:

  • label: string, the delete button label. This will not be HTML encoded.
    • Defaults to <i class="fas fa-trash-alt"></i> for Bootstrap 4.x & Bootstrap 5.x.
    • Defaults to <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> for Bootstrap 3.x.
  • url: string, the delete button url. Defaults to #.
  • params: array, the parameters to the delete action and their values to be passed via ajax which you must set as key value pairs. This will be automatically json string encoded, so to escape javascript variables & methods you can use yii\web\JsExpression
  • ajaxSettings: array, the ajax settings if you choose to override the delete ajax settings.
  • confirm: string, the confirmation message before triggering delete. Defaults to Are you sure you want to delete this item? (will be translated for your locale language set).
  • showErrorStack: boolean, whether to show the complete error stack. Defaults to false.
public array $deleteOptions = []
$editAttributeContainer public property

The HTML attributes for the container displaying the EDIT mode attributes.

$editButtonsContainer public property

The HTML attributes for the container displaying the EDIT mode buttons.

$enableEditMode public property

Whether to enable edit mode for the detail view.

public boolean $enableEditMode true
$fadeDelay public property

The fade animation delay in microseconds when toggling between the view and edit modes.

public integer $fadeDelay 800
$formClass public property

The form widget class name (extending from yii\widgets\ActiveForm) to be used for editing

public string $formClass 'kartik\form\ActiveForm'
$formOptions public property

The options for the yii\widgets\ActiveForm instance that will be generated in edit mode based on $formClass.

public array $formOptions = []
$hAlign public property

The horizontal alignment for the label column

public string $hAlign self::ALIGN_RIGHT
$hideAlerts public property

Whether to hide all alerts. Defaults to false.

public boolean $hideAlerts false
$hideIfEmpty public property

Whether to hide rows in view mode if value is null or empty.

public boolean $hideIfEmpty false
$hover public property

Whether the grid table will highlight row on hover. Applicable only if $bootstrap is true.

public boolean $hover false
$krajeeDialogSettings public property

Configuration settings for the kartik\dialog\Dialog widget that will be used to render alerts and confirmation dialog prompts.

See also

$labelColOptions public property

The HTML attributes for the label column

public array $labelColOptions = [
    'style' => 'width: 20%'
$mainTemplate public property

The main template to render the detail view. The following tokens will be parsed and replaced:

  • {detail}: will be replaced by the rendered detail view
  • {buttons}: the buttons to be displayed as set in $buttons1 or $buttons2.
public string $mainTemplate "{detail}"
$mode public property

The mode for the Detail View when its initialized

public string $mode self::MODE_VIEW
$notSetIfEmpty public property

Whether to show values as not set if empty string

public boolean $notSetIfEmpty false
$options public property

The HTML attributes for the detail view table

public array $options = []
$panel public property

The panel settings for displaying the grid view within a bootstrap styled panel. This property is therefore applicable only if $bootstrap property is true. The following array keys can be configured:

  • type: string, the panel contextual type. Set it to one of the TYPE constants. If not set, will default to TYPE_DEFAULT.
  • options: array, the HTML attributes for the panel container. If the class is not set, it will be auto derived using the panel type and $panelCssPrefix specific to the configured bootstrap version.
  • heading: string|boolean, the panel heading. If set to false, will not be displayed.
  • headingOptions: array, HTML attributes for the panel heading container. Defaults to:
    • ['class'=>'card-heading {COLOR}'] for Bootstrap 4.x & Bootstrap 5.x. The {COLOR} token will be auto calculated and replaced based on the type setting.
    • ['class'=>'panel-heading'] for Bootstrap 3.x.
  • titleOptions: array, HTML attributes for the panel title container. The following tags are specially parsed:

    • tag: string, the HTML tag to render the title. Defaults to:
      • span for Bootstrap 4.x & Bootstrap 5.x.
      • h3 for Bootstrap 3.x.

    The titleOptions defaults to:

    • [] for Bootstrap 4.x & Bootstrap 5.x.
    • ['class'=>'panel-title'] for Bootstrap 3.x.
  • footer: string|boolean, the panel footer. If set to false will not be displayed.
  • footerOptions: array, HTML attributes for the panel footer container. Defaults to:
    • ['class'=>'card-footer'] for Bootstrap 4.x & Bootstrap 5.x.
    • ['class'=>'panel-footer'] for Bootstrap 3.x.
  • before: string|boolean, content to be placed before/above the grid (after the header). To not display this section, set this to false.
  • beforeOptions: array, HTML attributes for the before text. If the class is not set, it will default to kv-panel-before.
  • after: string|boolean, any content to be placed after/below the grid (before the footer). To not display this section, set this to false.
  • afterOptions: array, HTML attributes for the after text. If the class is not set, it will default to kv-panel-after.
public array $panel = []
$panelCssPrefix public property

The CSS class prefix to apply to the bootstrap panel container (applicable when $panel is configured).

public string $panelCssPrefix null
$panelHeadingTemplate public property

The template for rendering the panel heading. The following special tokens are recognized and will be replaced:

  • {title}: string, which will render the panel heading title content.
  • {buttons}: string, which will render the buttons in the panel heading toolbar based on the $buttons1 or $buttons2 property.].
$panelOptions public property
Deprecated since v1.8.6. Use DetailView::panel['options'] instead.

Bootstrap panel options.

public array $panelOptions = []
$panelTemplate public property

The template for rendering the grid within a bootstrap styled panel / card layout. The following special tokens are recognized and will be replaced:

  • {prefix}: the CSS prefix name as set in $panelCssPrefix.
  • {type}: the panel type that will append the bootstrap contextual CSS.
  • {panelHeading}: the panel heading content.
  • {panelBefore}: the content before panel.
  • {panelAfter}: the content after panel.
  • {panelFooter}: the panel footer content.
  • {items}: the detail view items.
  • {buttons}: buttons to be displayed as set in $buttons1 or $buttons2.
  • {title}: the panel heading title content.
$resetOptions public property

The HTML attributes for the reset button. This button will reset the form in edit mode. The following special options are recognized:

  • label: string, the reset button label. This will not be HTML encoded.
    • Defaults to <i class="fas fa-ban"></i> for Bootstrap 4.x & Bootstrap 5.x.
    • Defaults to <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></i> for Bootstrap 3.x.
public array $resetOptions = []
$responsive public property

Whether the grid table will have a responsive style. Applicable only if $bootstrap is true.

public boolean $responsive true
$rowOptions public property

The HTML attributes for each attribute row

public array $rowOptions = []
$saveOptions public property

The HTML attributes for the save button. This will default to a form submit button. The following special options are recognized:

  • label: string, the save button label. This will not be HTML encoded. Defaults to:
    • <i class="fas fa-save"></i> for Bootstrap 4.x & Bootstrap 5.x.
    • <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk"></i> for Bootstrap 3.x.
public array $saveOptions = []
$showErrorSummary public property

Whether to show form error summary as part of the error alert. Defaults to false.

public boolean $showErrorSummary false
$striped public property

Whether the grid table will have a striped style. Applicable only if $bootstrap is true.

public boolean $striped true
$tableContainer public property

The HTML attributes for the table container

public array $tableContainer = []
$tooltips public property

Whether to display bootstrap style tooltips for titles on hover of buttons.

public boolean $tooltips true
$updateOptions public property

The HTML attributes for the update button. This button will toggle the edit mode on. The following special options are recognized:

  • label: the update button label. This will not be HTML encoded.
    • Defaults to <i class="fas fa-pencil-alt"></i> for Bootstrap 4.x & Bootstrap 5.x.
    • Defaults to <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></i> for Bootstrap 3.x.
public array $updateOptions = []
$vAlign public property

The vertical alignment for the label column

public string $vAlign self::ALIGN_MIDDLE
$valueColOptions public property

The HTML attributes for the value column

public array $valueColOptions = []
$viewAttributeContainer public property

The HTML attributes for the container displaying the VIEW mode attributes.

$viewButtonsContainer public property

The HTML attributes for the container displaying the VIEW mode buttons.

$viewOptions public property

The HTML attributes for the view button. This will toggle the view from edit mode to view mode. The following special options are recognized:

  • label: the save button label. This will not be HTML encoded.
    • Defaults to <i class="fas fa-eye"></i> for Bootstrap 4.x & Bootstrap 5.x.
    • Defaults to <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></i> for Bootstrap 3.x.
public array $viewOptions = []

Method Details

getDefaultButton() protected method

Gets the default button.

protected string getDefaultButton ( $type, $iconBs3, $iconNotBs3, $title )
$type string

The button type

$iconBs3 string

The bootstrap 3 icon suffix name

$iconNotBs3 string

The non bootstrap 3 icon suffix name

$title string

The title to display on hover

throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException|\Exception
hasEditErrors() protected method

Check if model has editing errors.

protected boolean hasEditErrors ( )
hasGridCol() protected static method

Checks if a bootstrap grid column class has been added to the container.

protected static boolean hasGridCol ( $container = [] )
$container array
throws Exception
init() public method

Initializes the detail view.

This method will initialize required property values.

public void init ( )
throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException
initCss() protected static method

Sets a default css class within options if not set.

protected static void initCss ( &$options, $css )
$options array

The HTML options

$css string|array

The CSS class to test and append

initWidget() protected method

Initializes the detail view widget

protected void initWidget ( )
throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException
normalizeAttributes() protected method

Normalizes the attribute specifications.

protected void normalizeAttributes ( )
throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException
parseAttributeItem() protected method

Parses and returns the attribute.

protected array parseAttributeItem ( $attribute )
$attribute string|array

The attribute item configuration

return array

The parsed attribute item configuration

throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException
parseAttributeProp() protected method

Parses the attribute configuration and validates if a property is configured as a Closure callback. If so, the callback is executed and the attribute property is set to this callback output.

The signature of the callback is function($form, $widget), where:

protected mixed parseAttributeProp ( $setting )
$setting mixed

Is the attribute property setting

return mixed

The parsed attribute setting

registerAssets() protected method

Register client assets for the kartik\detail\DetailView widget.

protected void registerAssets ( )
throws Exception
renderAlertBlock() protected method

Initializes and renders alert container block.

protected void renderAlertBlock ( )
throws Exception
renderAttributeItem() protected method

Renders a single attribute item combination.

protected string renderAttributeItem ( $attribute )
$attribute array

The specification of the attribute to be rendered.

return string

The rendering result

throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException
renderAttributeRow() protected method

Renders a single attribute.

protected string renderAttributeRow ( $attribute )
$attribute array

The specification of the attribute to be rendered.

return string

The rendering result

throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException
renderButton() protected method

Renders a button.

protected string renderButton ( $type )
$type string

The button type

throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException
renderButtons() protected method

Renders the buttons for a specific mode.

protected string renderButtons ( $mode 1 )
$mode integer
return string

The buttons content

throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException
renderDetailView() protected method

Renders the main detail view widget.

protected string renderDetailView ( )
return string

The detail view content

throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException
renderFormAttribute() protected method

Renders each form attribute.

protected mixed renderFormAttribute ( $config )
$config array

The attribute config

throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException
renderPanel() protected method

Sets the grid panel layout based on the $template and $panel settings.

protected string renderPanel ( $items )
$items string
throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException|\Exception
run() public method

Renders the detail view.

This is the main entry of the whole detail view rendering.

public void run ( )
throws ReflectionException
runWidget() protected method

Prepares and runs the detail view widget.

protected void runWidget ( )
throws ReflectionException
throws Exception
validateDisplay() protected method

Validates the display of correct attributes and buttons at initialization based on mode.

protected void validateDisplay ( )