Class kartik\tree\TreeViewInput
Inheritance | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput » kartik\tree\TreeView » kartik\base\Widget » yii\base\Widget » yii\base\Component » yii\base\BaseObject |
Implements | kartik\base\BootstrapInterface, yii\base\Configurable, yii\base\ViewContextInterface |
Uses Traits | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait, kartik\base\TranslationTrait, kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
Available since version | 1.0 |
An input widget that extends kartik\tree\TreeView, and allows one to select records from the tree. This widget should be used, if you wish the user to select items from a list displayed in a tree structure.
For example,
use kartik\tree\TreeViewInput;
echo TreeViewInput::widget([
// single query fetch to render the tree
'query' => Tree::find()->addOrderBy('root, lft'),
'headingOptions' => ['label' => 'Categories'],
'name' => 'kv-product', // input name
'value' => '1,2,3', // values selected (comma separated for multiple select)
'asDropdown' => true, // will render the tree input widget as a dropdown.
'multiple' => true, // set to false if you do not need multiple selection
'fontAwesome' => true, // render font awesome icons
'rootOptions' => [
'label' => '<i class="fas fa-tree"></i>',
'class' => 'text-success'
], // custom root label
//'options' => ['disabled' => true],
Public Properties
Property | Type | Description | Defined By |
$alertFadeDuration | integer | Animation duration (ms) for fading in and out alerts that are displayed during manipulation of nodes. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$allowNewRoots | boolean | Allow new root creation. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$asDropdown | boolean | Whether to show the input as a dropdown select. | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
$attribute | string | The model attribute that this widget is associated with. | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
$autoCloseOnSelect | boolean | Whether to autoclose the dropdown on input selection when asDropdown is true. |
kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
$autoIdPrefix | string | The prefix to the automatically generated widget IDs. | yii\base\Widget |
$autoLoadBsPlugin | boolean | Whether to auto load the bootstrap plugin assets if showTooltips is true OR if
TreeViewInput::asDropdown is true. |
kartik\tree\TreeView |
$baseSourcePath | string|false | Get parsed base source path based on $sourcePath setting. If $sourcePath is not set, it will return the current working directory of this widget class. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$behaviors | yii\base\Behavior[] | List of behaviors attached to this component. | yii\base\Component |
$breadcrumbs | array | The breadcrumbs settings for displaying the current node title based on parent hierarchy in the node details form/view (starting from the current node). | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$bsColCssPrefixes | array | The bootstrap grid column css prefixes mapping, the key is the bootstrap versions, and the value is an array containing the sizes and their corresponding grid column css prefixes. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
$bsCssMap | array | CSS conversion mappings across bootstrap library versions. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
$bsExtBasename | integer | The yii2 bootstrap extension base name (readonly property available via getter method getBsExtBasename()) | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
$bsVer | integer | Bootstrap version number currently set (readonly property available via getter method getBsVer()) | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
$bsVersion | integer|string | The bootstrap library version that you wish to use for this specific extension / widget. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
$buttonGroupOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the button groups within the toolbar. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$buttonIconOptions | array | The default HTML attributes for the toolbar button icons | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$buttonOptions | array | The default HTML attributes for the toolbar buttons | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$cacheSettings | array | Cache settings for displaying the detail form content for each tree node via ajax. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$cascadeSelectChildren | boolean | Whether to auto select all children when a parent node is selected. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$checkedNodeOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the indicator which will represent a checked checkbox. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$childNodeIconOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the child node icon. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$clientMessages | array | The configuration of various client alert messages | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$collapseNodeOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the indicator for collapsing a node. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$counter | integer | A counter used to generate $id for widgets. | yii\base\Widget |
$defaultBtnCss | string | Default bootstrap button CSS (readonly property available via getter method getDefaultBtnCss()) | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
$defaultCheckedNodeIcon | array | Default icon for a checked node which will represent a checked checkbox. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$defaultChildNodeIcon | string | The icon markup for the child node if no icon was setup in the database. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$defaultCollapseNodeIcon | string | The default icon for collapsing the node. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$defaultExpandNodeIcon | string | The default icon for expanding the node. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$defaultIconPrefix | string | Default icon prefix (readonly property available via getter method getDefaultIconPrefix()) | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
$defaultOptions | array | Default HTML attributes or other settings for widgets. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$defaultParentNodeIcon | string | The icon markup for the collapsed parent node if no icon was setup in the database. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$defaultParentNodeOpenIcon | string | The icon markup for the opened parent node if no icon was setup in the database. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$defaultPluginOptions | array | Default plugin options for the widget | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$defaultUncheckedNodeIcon | string | The HTML attributes for an unchecked node which will represent an unchecked checkbox. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$detailOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the detail form container which will display the details of the selected node | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$displayValue | integer | The initial value (key) to be selected in the tree and displayed in the detail form. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$dropdownClass | string | Bootstrap dropdown class name based on currently configured bootstrap version (readonly property available via getter method getDropdownClass()) | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
$dropdownConfig | array | The configuration of the tree view dropdown. | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
$emptyNodeMsg | string | Message shown on tree initialization when either the entire tree is empty or no node is found for the selected $displayValue. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$emptyNodeMsgOptions | array | HTML attributes for the empty node message displayed. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$expandNodeOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the indicator for expanding a node. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$fontAwesome | boolean | Whether to use font awesome icons. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$footerOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the tree footer container. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$footerTemplate | string | The template for rendering the footer. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$hashVarLoadPosition | integer | The position where the client JS hash variables for the input widget will be loaded. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$headerOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the tree header container | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$headerTemplate | string | The template for rendering the header | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$headingOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the heading. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$hideCssClass | string | The CSS class to hide HTML elements on the page. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$hideTopRoot | boolean | Whether to hide the topmost root node container | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$hideUnmatchedSearchItems | boolean | Whether to hide unmatched search items when searching | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$i18n | array | The the internalization configuration for this widget. | kartik\base\TranslationTrait |
$iconEditSettings | array | Settings to edit the icon. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$iconPrefix | string | The icon prefix | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$id | string|null | ID of the widget. Note that the type of this property differs in getter and setter. See getId() and setId() for details. | yii\base\Widget |
$input | string | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput | |
$isAdmin | boolean | Whether the tree is to be allowed for editing in admin mode. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$krajeeDialogSettings | array | Configuration settings for the Krajee dialog widget that will be used to render alerts and confirmation dialog prompts | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$mainTemplate | string | The main template for rendering the tree view navigation widget and the node detail view form. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$model | kartik\tree\models\Tree|yii\base\Model | The tree data model that this widget is associated with. | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
$moduleId | string | The module identifier if this widget is part of a module. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$multiple | boolean | Whether to allow selection of multiple nodes via checkboxes. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$name | string | The input name. | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
$nodeActions | array | The actions for managing, deleting, and moving the tree nodes. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$nodeAddlViews | array | The list of additional view files that will be used to append content at various sections in the $nodeView form. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$nodeCheckboxOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the node checkbox indicator for all items in the tree | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$nodeFormOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the node detail form. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$nodeLabel | array|Closure | The value to customize a tree node's label. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$nodeTitle | string | The title label to display for the tree node in the validation client messages. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$nodeTitlePlural | string | The title label to display for plural tree nodes in the validation client messages. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$nodeToggleOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the node toggle indicator for each parent item in the tree | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$nodeView | string | The view file that will render the form for editing the node. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$nodeViewButtonLabels | array | The markup for the submit and reset button labels in the node view form | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$nodeViewParams | array | Any additional parameters to be sent or any parameters to override within the $nodeView. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$options | array | The HTML attributes for the input that will store the selected nodes for the widget | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$parentNodeIconOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the parent node icon. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$pjaxContainerId | string | The identifier for the PJAX widget container if the widget is to be rendered inside a PJAX container. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$pjaxDuplicationFix | boolean | Prevent duplication of pjax containers when browser back & forward buttons are pressed. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$pluginDestroyJs | string | The javascript that will be used to destroy the jQuery plugin | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$pluginEvents | array | Widget JQuery events. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$pluginName | string | The plugin name | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$pluginOptions | array | Widget plugin options. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$query | yii\db\ActiveQuery | The query that will be used as the data source for the TreeView. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$rootNodeCheckboxOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the root node's checkbox indicator | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$rootNodeToggleOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the root node's toggle indicator | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$rootOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the topmost root node container. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$searchClearOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the search clear indicator | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$searchContainerOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the search container | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$searchOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the search input | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$showCheckbox | boolean | Whether to show a checkbox before each tree node label to allow multiple node selection. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$showFormButtons | boolean | Whether to show the form action buttons in the node details form/view. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$showIDAttribute | boolean | Whether to show the key attribute (ID) in the node details form/view. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$showInactive | boolean | Whether to show inactive nodes | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$showNameAttribute | boolean | Whether to show the name attribute (name) in the node details form/view. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$showToolbar | boolean | Whether to show the toolbar in the footer. | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
$showTooltips | boolean | Show toolbar button tooltips (using bootstrap tooltip plugin). | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$softDelete | boolean | Whether the record will be soft deleted, when remove button is clicked. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$sourcePath | string | Directory path to the original widget source. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$stack | yii\base\Widget[] | The widgets that are currently being rendered (not ended). | yii\base\Widget |
$toolbar | array | The settings for the tree management toolbar | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$toolbarOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the toolbar. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$toolbarOrder | array | The sorting order of the buttons in the toolbar. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$topRootAsHeading | boolean | Whether to show topmost root node as heading. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$treeOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the tree selector container | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$treeWrapperOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the wrapper container for the tree header, body, and footer. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$uncheckedNodeOptions | array | The HTML attributes for the indicator which will represent an unchecked checkbox. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$value | string | The input value. | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
$view | yii\web\View | The view object that can be used to render views or view files. Note that the type of this property differs in getter and setter. See getView() and setView() for details. | yii\base\Widget |
$viewPath | string | The directory containing the view files for this widget. | yii\base\Widget |
$wrapperTemplate | string | The wrapper template for rendering the tree view navigation widget. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
Protected Properties
Property | Type | Description | Defined By |
$_bsVer | integer | Current bootstrap version number | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
$_dataVar | string | The HTML5 data variable name that will be used to store the Json encoded pluginOptions within the element on which the jQuery plugin will be initialized. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$_defaultBtnCss | string | Default bootstrap button CSS | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
$_defaultCaret | string | Default caret markup rendered for the dropdown toggle | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
$_defaultIconPrefix | string | Default icon CSS prefix | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
$_encOptions | string | The JSON encoded plugin options. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$_hasBootstrap | boolean | Whether to load the bootstrap plugin asset | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$_hashVar | string | The generated hashed variable name that will store the JSON encoded pluginOptions in yii\web\View::POS_HEAD. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
$_iconsListShow | string | The icons list show type set under iconEditSettings | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$_isBs4 | boolean | Flag to detect whether bootstrap 4. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
$_module | kartik\tree\Module | The tree management module. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$_msgCat | string | Translation message file category name for i18n. | kartik\base\TranslationTrait |
$_nodeIcons | array | Configuration of icons for Glyphicons and Font Awesome. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$_nodeIconsList | mixed | The icons list | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$_nodeSelected | string | Session identifier for the selected node id | kartik\tree\TreeView |
$_nodes | array | The queried tree nodes | kartik\tree\TreeView |
Public Methods
Method | Description | Defined By |
__call() | Calls the named method which is not a class method. | yii\base\Component |
__clone() | This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one. | yii\base\Component |
__construct() | Constructor. | yii\base\BaseObject |
__get() | Returns the value of a component property. | yii\base\Component |
__isset() | Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null. | yii\base\Component |
__set() | Sets the value of a component property. | yii\base\Component |
__unset() | Sets a component property to be null. | yii\base\Component |
addCssClass() | Adds bootstrap CSS class to options by parsing the bootstrap version for the specified Bootstrap CSS type. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
afterRun() | This method is invoked right after a widget is executed. | yii\base\Widget |
attachBehavior() | Attaches a behavior to this component. | yii\base\Component |
attachBehaviors() | Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. | yii\base\Component |
beforeRun() | This method is invoked right before the widget is executed. | yii\base\Widget |
begin() | Begins a widget. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
behaviors() | Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as. | yii\base\Component |
canGetProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read. | yii\base\Component |
canSetProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set. | yii\base\Component |
className() | Returns the fully qualified name of this class. | yii\base\BaseObject |
detachBehavior() | Detaches a behavior from the component. | yii\base\Component |
detachBehaviors() | Detaches all behaviors from the component. | yii\base\Component |
end() | Ends a widget. | yii\base\Widget |
ensureBehaviors() | Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component. | yii\base\Component |
getBSClass() | Gets the respective Bootstrap class based on currently configured bootstrap version. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
getBaseSourcePath() | Get parsed base source path based on $sourcePath setting. If $sourcePath is not set, it will return the current working directory of this widget class. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
getBehavior() | Returns the named behavior object. | yii\base\Component |
getBehaviors() | Returns all behaviors attached to this component. | yii\base\Component |
getBsVer() | Gets the current set bootstrap version number. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
getConfig() | Generates the configuration for the widget based on module level defaults | kartik\tree\TreeView |
getCssClass() | Gets bootstrap css class by parsing the bootstrap version for the specified BS CSS type. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
getDefaultBtnCss() | Gets the default button CSS | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
getDefaultIconPrefix() | Gets the default icon css prefix | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
getDropdownClass() | Gets the respective bootstrap dropdown class name based on currently configured bootstrap version. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
getId() | Returns the ID of the widget. | yii\base\Widget |
getInput() | Generates the hidden input for storage | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
getView() | kartik\base\WidgetTrait | |
getViewPath() | Returns the directory containing the view files for this widget. | yii\base\Widget |
hasEventHandlers() | Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event. | yii\base\Component |
hasMethod() | Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined. | yii\base\Component |
hasProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component. | yii\base\Component |
init() | Initializes the object. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
initI18N() | Yii i18n messages configuration for generating translations | kartik\base\TranslationTrait |
initOptions() | Initialize all options & settings for the widget | kartik\tree\TreeView |
isBs() | Validate Bootstrap version | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
isBs4() | Validate if Bootstrap 4.x version. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
module() | Returns the tree view module | kartik\tree\TreeView |
off() | Detaches an existing event handler from this component. | yii\base\Component |
on() | Attaches an event handler to an event. | yii\base\Component |
registerAssets() | Registers the client assets for the widget | kartik\tree\TreeView |
registerInputAssets() | Registers assets for TreeViewInput | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
registerWidgetJs() | Registers a JS code block for the widget. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
removeCssClass() | Removes bootstrap CSS class from options by parsing the bootstrap version for the specified Bootstrap CSS type. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
render() | Renders a view. | yii\base\Widget |
renderDetail() | Renders the markup for the detail form to edit/view the selected tree node | kartik\tree\TreeView |
renderFile() | Renders a view file. | yii\base\Widget |
renderFooter() | Renders the markup for the tree footer container | kartik\tree\TreeView |
renderHeader() | Renders the markup for the tree header container | kartik\tree\TreeView |
renderHeading() | Renders the markup for the tree heading | kartik\tree\TreeView |
renderRoot() | Renders the root markup for the tree | kartik\tree\TreeView |
renderSearch() | Renders the markup for the search input | kartik\tree\TreeView |
renderToolbar() | Renders the markup for the button actions toolbar | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
renderTree() | Renders the markup for the tree hierarchy - uses a fast non-recursive mode of tree traversal. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
renderWidget() | Renders the widget markup | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
renderWrapper() | Renders the tree wrapper container | kartik\tree\TreeView |
run() | Executes the widget. | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
setId() | Sets the ID of the widget. | yii\base\Widget |
setView() | Sets the view object to be used by this widget. | yii\base\Widget |
trigger() | Triggers an event. | yii\base\Component |
widget() | Creates a widget instance and runs it. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
Protected Methods
Method | Description | Defined By |
addAsset() | Adds an asset to the view. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
configureBsVersion() | Configures the bootstrap version settings | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
fixPjaxDuplication() | Fix for weird PJAX container duplication behavior on pressing browser back and forward buttons. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
getBsExtBasename() | The yii2-bootstrap extension base name. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
getIconsList() | Renders the markup for the detail form to edit/view the selected tree node | kartik\tree\TreeView |
getPluginScript() | Returns the plugin registration script. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
hasModel() | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput | |
hashPluginOptions() | Generates a hashed variable to store the pluginOptions. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
initBsVersion() | Initializes bootstrap versions for the widgets and asset bundles. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
initDestroyJs() | Generates the pluginDestroyJs script if it is not set. |
kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
initDropdown() | Initialize tree dropdown menu settings and options | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
initIcons() | Initialize icons | kartik\tree\TreeView |
initSelectedNode() | Initializes the selected node | kartik\tree\TreeView |
initTreeView() | Initializes and validates the tree view configurations | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
isSameVersion() | Compares two versions and checks if they are of the same major BS version. | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
mergeDefaultOptions() | Merge default options | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
parseBool() | Parses a boolean variable and returns as integer | kartik\tree\TreeView |
parseVer() | Parses and returns the major BS version | kartik\base\BootstrapTrait |
registerPlugin() | Registers a specific plugin and the related events | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
registerPluginOptions() | Registers plugin options by storing within a uniquely generated javascript variable. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
renderCheckboxIcon() | Renders the checkbox icon markup based on fontAwesome setting | kartik\tree\TreeView |
renderCheckboxIconContainer() | Renders the checkbox icon container | kartik\tree\TreeView |
renderDropdown() | Generates the dropdown tree menu | kartik\tree\TreeViewInput |
renderIcon() | Renders a generic icon using icon suffix | kartik\tree\TreeView |
renderNodeIcon() | Render the default node icon markup. | kartik\tree\TreeView |
renderToggleIcon() | Renders the default toggle icon markup based on fontAwesome setting | kartik\tree\TreeView |
renderToggleIconContainer() | Renders the toggle icon container | kartik\tree\TreeView |
setDataVar() | Sets a HTML5 data variable. | kartik\base\WidgetTrait |
sortToolbar() | Sorts the toolbar based on toolbarOrder configuration |
kartik\tree\TreeView |
usesTrait() | Check if the trait is used by a specific class or recursively by any of the parent classes or parent traits | kartik\tree\TreeView |
validateSourceData() | Validation of source query data | kartik\tree\TreeView |
Event | Type | Description | Defined By |
EVENT_AFTER_RUN | yii\base\WidgetEvent | An event raised right after executing a widget. (available since version 2.0.11) | yii\base\Widget |
EVENT_BEFORE_RUN | yii\base\WidgetEvent | An event raised right before executing a widget. (available since version 2.0.11) | yii\base\Widget |
EVENT_INIT | yii\base\Event | An event that is triggered when the widget is initialized via init(). (available since version 2.0.11) | yii\base\Widget |
Constant | Value | Description | Defined By |
BTN_CREATE | 'create' | Create tree node button | kartik\tree\TreeView |
BTN_CREATE_ROOT | 'create-root' | Create root tree node button | kartik\tree\TreeView |
BTN_MOVE_DOWN | 'move-down' | Move tree node down button | kartik\tree\TreeView |
BTN_MOVE_LEFT | 'move-left' | Move tree node left button | kartik\tree\TreeView |
BTN_MOVE_RIGHT | 'move-right' | Move tree node right button | kartik\tree\TreeView |
BTN_MOVE_UP | 'move-up' | Move tree node up button | kartik\tree\TreeView |
BTN_REFRESH | 'refresh' | Tree refresh button | kartik\tree\TreeView |
BTN_REMOVE | 'remove' | Remove tree node button | kartik\tree\TreeView |
BTN_SEPARATOR | 'separator' | Button separator | kartik\tree\TreeView |
ICON_CSS | 1 | CSS class based icon | kartik\tree\TreeView |
ICON_RAW | 2 | Raw HTML markup based icon | kartik\tree\TreeView |
MOVE_DOWN | 'd' | Direction for moving selected node DOWN one level in the tree | kartik\tree\TreeView |
MOVE_LEFT | 'l' | Direction for moving selected node LEFT one level in the tree | kartik\tree\TreeView |
MOVE_RIGHT | 'r' | Direction for moving selected node RIGHT one level in the tree | kartik\tree\TreeView |
MOVE_UP | 'u' | Direction for moving selected node UP one level in the tree | kartik\tree\TreeView |
ROOT_KEY | 'KRAJEE~!~ROOT~!~NODE' | Value for root node key | kartik\tree\TreeView |
Property Details
Default caret markup rendered for the dropdown toggle
Whether to show the input as a dropdown select. If set to false
, it will display directly the tree
view selector widget. Defaults to true
. The BootstrapPluginAsset
will automatically be loaded if this is
set to true
. Defaults to true
The model attribute that this widget is associated with.
Whether to autoclose the dropdown on input selection when asDropdown
is true. Defaults to true
The configuration of the tree view dropdown. The following configuration options are available:
: array, the HTML attributes for the dropdown input container which displays the selected tree items. The following special options are available:placeholder
: string, defaults toSelect...
: array, the HTML attributes for the dropdown tree view menu.options
: array, the HTML attributes for the wrapper containercaret
: string, the markup for rendering the dropdown indicator for up and down. Defaults to $_defaultCaret.
The tree data model that this widget is associated with.
The input name. This must be set if $model and $attribute are not set.
Whether to show the toolbar in the footer. Defaults to false
The input value.
Method Details
Generates the hidden input for storage
public string getInput ( ) |
protected boolean hasModel ( ) | ||
return | boolean | Whether this widget is associated with a data model. |
Initialize tree dropdown menu settings and options
protected void initDropdown ( ) |
Initializes and validates the tree view configurations
protected void initTreeView ( ) | ||
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |
Registers assets for TreeViewInput
public void registerInputAssets ( ) |
Generates the dropdown tree menu
protected string renderDropdown ( $content ) | ||
$content | string | The content to be embedded in the dropdown menu |
Renders the markup for the button actions toolbar
public string renderToolbar ( ) | ||
throws | Exception |
Renders the widget markup
public string renderWidget ( ) | ||
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |
Executes the widget.
public string|void run ( ) | ||
return | string|void | The rendering result may be directly "echoed" or returned as a string |
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |